Chapter 6:the mission,new student at the DWNA?

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Maka P.O.V

I am sitting in class with Soul,that makes me happy. We almost forgot about the black blood.but we have to keep our feets on earth,we have,no matter what we have to find a way to cure Soul,but for me is my priority.a feminine voice made me me come back to earth.

"Silence please,today we have a new student "said Marie 

After her words a boy with raven hair enter the room ,he was really handsome,I am clearly not the only one who notice ,all the girls were looking at him,including Tsubaki.I can see Black Star clenching his theeth in anger,he really hate when somebody steal his Spotlight but the look he gives Tsubaki tell me that there 's something else bugging him... 

"Hi, my name is Akira, I hope that you 'll exept me in you're class and as a friend..."he said that while looking in my direction.

I feel a little uneasy, this guy is a little wierd, his soul wavelenght ,I've sense it somewhere before,I won't let my guard down,but maybe i'm being paranoid.I don't know if he was trying to flirt with me a minute ago,if thats the case ,than its to bad for him because someone already stole my heart and Soul.last thing I know is am touching Soul's hand .

Soul P.O.V.

I give a worried look at Maka I'm scare that she will fall for that guy, but I'm reassure by her warm hand on mine. The smile she is giving me makes me melt from the inside, as long as she is by my side I won't need anything else.That's why no matter what I will save her! Akira, the new guy, start to walk to his seat , I give him a dark look when he look at Maka one more time. He respond by a smirk, there's something wrong with this guy, I feel the anger rising.

Maka P.O.V.

I feel Soul's hand clenching harder, he seems trouble by something...

"Soul are ok?" I ask. he seems to calm himself.

"Yeah... don't worry about it" He then hold my right hand tighter. I feel my face burning.

"Wh...Wh...."I ask innocently, I see pink coloring his cheeks.

"I....."He start to explain, clearly embarrass, but then I cut him off  by kissing his left cheek.

"That' s payback" I answer playfully.


Soul and I finally admit our feelings for each other and walk hand in hand. It start raining. We than run to our apartment.  We finally arrive, there's now tunder .I hate tunder . We enter , and see Blair sleeping on the couch in her cat form. She then slowly open her eyes and fix her gaze at our hands.

"So ....I'll be on my way ..."She said

"What, where?" I ask

"emm...I got to go at a friend's house....yeah that's it" She answer back.

Why do I doubt that, anyway she is free to do whatever she want. but before she cross the door she wink at me. Now I get . Stupid pervert cat.

Soul P.O.V.

What's going on? Why is Maka blushing.... I recall the memory of Blair winking at Maka.... ohhhh.... now I get what's going on...... but I respect Maka to much to do such thing to her now. Even if I really want to, if that's with her....No Soul control yourself.

"Soul ... are you ok... you've beem quite for a while....."

"Yeah... Sorry Maka."I answered.

"Well now I'm gonna take a bath..." she said while going in the bathroom.

I then decide to sit on the couch and listen to the television. I was about to fall asleep when the lights went all out. It was dark . Lightnings are dancing in the sky.

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