Chapter 5 : confusion within the souls,Medusa is back?

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Maka P.O.V

I feel weak. I'm in an hospital bed?What happened? That's right Medusa is back! I have to warn the others _____ I can feel a deep pain in my head and in my stomach. I clench my fists to hold back the tears. I'm sure being stab by a knife would have been less painful..... another wave of pain. I start to cough violently.

"Are you ok" Said a voice in the corner of the room. That voice is Soul's, what should I do I'm not ready to face him, not yet! I then decide to look away

"Yeah, I'm fine...."Damn it Maka that was terrible! Say something nicer!

"emmm, but are you ok?" He must really think I'm weird.

"More or less....." He simply answer, I know why......

"emmm.... Soul about last night....."

"You don't have to explain anything.... but just so you know toying with people' emotion is really uncool..."With that he left

"Soul....." Damn it I really hurt him.... but I love him,.... I really deserve to be sent to Hell.

Soul P.O.V

Damn it ! I thought while hitting the wall besides me. I know I shouldn't be upset, not at Maka. I know I should let her give me an explanation.... But I'm scared to ask her....Hey Maka How do you really feel about me? I'm terrified of what she could answer.

Maka P.O.V

I think I really blew it..... My thoughts are interrupt by a loud voice


Of all the people it had to be Black Star! But then I can hear I little shy voice saying:

"Are you ok Maka-Chan?"

"Tsubaki.... yep! I'm pretty fine, thanks!" Her beautiful and shy smile always cheer me up, she really is a good friend, Black star too, I'm mean we know each other since childhood, he's like a brother to me... even if he can be a little annoying sometimes.... scratch that..... even if he is always annoying.


"I'm ok Black Star..... but there's something you all need to know, would you mind gathering the others? Even if Soul doesn't want to... force him... it's really important!"

"You can count on us Maka-Chan!" Said Tsubaki in a cheerful voice.

With that they left.... Now I have to find a way to tell my partner that we might die soon....

Medusa P.O.V

Somehow I manage to get away... that girl.... Since when did she became this strong? I remember being defeated by her genie hunter technic,but she was this strong without her weapon,I'll admit that I am impress...but she still have a lot to learn.

"Medusa! The master wants to see you." Said a  female voice 

"I'll go right away."I said with an annoy tone,what does he want again 

I walk into my sister ,Arachnee 's castle,where Master took residence after her death . I step into the room where his throne is.

"What is it Master?"I said while bowing ,even if I don't like being order around like a dog he is stronger than I am and he would end our deal if I would desobey him,so I just play along.

"Medusa." Said Master 

Theres a little silence 

"Did you find her?"

A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound bodyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon