chapter three:the witch vs the meister ,Maka's resolution?

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Maka P.O.V

It's now the night, convincing Soul to give up, this morning wasn't easy I told him that I made a mistake.And blame those hours in the hospital to cause this stress.I just hope that he don't suspect a thing . I thought that while putting a bandage around my burned hands .good condition or not I can't let a witch running freely in the city.but before i go I have to do something  i might not be able to do if this battle is my last. I walk quietly to Soul's room I have to say goodbye to him just in case .I open the door slowly,to make sure that I don't wake him up. The more i'm getting closer the more my heart is beating faster.without I even notice it i now feel tears coming from my green eyes.damn it why is this so hard,i don't want to say goodbye,not to him, so this is why i'll come back alive, "I promise I will "I said the last part out loud.and then I lean towards soul's face to give him a kiss on his right cheek.I turn around,trying to hold my tears back,when someone 's hand grab my wirst.

"You promise you will what?" Said a voice,Soul's voice

I can't answer.what am i suppose to Tell him, he was awake all this time...he heard my promise,I can't hold my tears anymore.theres now a fall of tears running down my cheeks ,I am so selfish how can I promise something I can't control.Soul put his left hand on my waist and turn my body so he could see my face.He look a little angry and sad at the same time .

"You were planning to go see this witch on youre own"

"How did yo—"

"Damn it Maka!I am you're partner I know you better than anyone else !"his tone was angry I understand if he hates me.

"Soul  I—"

I was cut off again not by Soul's words but by his move,he shove me on his bed,he was now on top of me .I know that I am blushing like crazy right now .I am pin down by his hands,I can't move.

"Soul?whats going on?" I ask, I could hear his breathing it's so embarassing .he is not answering. "Soul.,.I understand that you.... Hate me..,. But—"

"Me hating you, if that could happen, I shouldn't be aloud to live "

I can feel more tears coming,theres noway I can leave now,but I have to.I free one of my hands and put it on his chest,on his scar ,he looks surprise but didn't do anything,I can see a little blush on his face, even if the room is dark .he then take my hands and just look at it.he start to take the bandage off. His eyes start to go wide at the sight of my burns .

"It's because of me isn't "said Soul ,turning his head,in shame

I can't bear to see him like this,I can't stand to see him hurt like this I than decide to move my hand to his cheek, He than look at me with his red eyes.I than decide to Tell him how I feel.

"Me blaming you, if that would happen, I would go straight to Hell " I said that without thinking, but this is how I really feel,I than decide to do something I dream to do since the day I met him. I then , without thinking press my lips against his.What surprise me to most isn't my action, it 's that Soul is returning the kiss,even taking the lead of it.

Soul P.O.V

I can't believe that she is kissing me. I can't let this oppurtunity get away,for so long I have dream of kissing her like this,without even realizing it I had take control of the cheeks were hot because I realize that I was on top of her.I never want this moment to stop.She than surprise me by getting on top of me.she than seperate her soft lips from mine and she told me:

"I 'm sorry " and then I black out 

Maka P.O.V

I didn't want to do this but he wouldn't have let me go,I do love him ,more than anything . I still have the horrible taste of the liquid I use to make him sleep ,in my mouth.I didn't kiss him just so he could swallow the sleeping liquid, I mostly did it as a goodbye kiss. But what hurts the most is that he seem to return my feelings,what will he think when he wakes up ,will he think that I only kissed him so I could make him sleep? I have to make sure that I come  back alive  so I can explain myself .I run in the night without letting the cold bothering me. Let's just end this quickly.

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