Chapter 8:The Angel and The Demon,Finding you're true self?

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Akira P.O.V.

So...Maka let's see how strong you are...I've just heard rumors let me see it for my self, the battle between an angel and a demon...should be interessing.

"Alright,come at me with all you've got!"I said 

"Count on me for that!"she answer back 

Maka P.O.V.

"Maka-chan are you sure about this?"ask Tsubaki

"Never been so sure ,after What that bastard did to Soul,he need to learn not to touch my weapon!besides I need to get this out of my system ,for the mission!"

"YEAH,KICK HIS ASS MAKA!"said Black star.

I turn to look at Soul 

"You can sit back and relax Soul,I'll take care of things for now..."I than charge at Akira.

I try to hit more than one time is face but he dodge them to fast.Why isn't he attacking? Is he holding back?Not again,why does everybody think that am weak? While I fight I start too see scary images,crazy visions,damn it,the black blood didn't lose it's time,that's right , the black blood lives on negative emotions...I need to calm down...I'm losing control !

"Do you really want to get out of this madness?" Said a feminine voice 

When I open my eyes I'm in a sea of black blood.and I see an other me?but this one have a crazy smile on her face.the black blood...

"I mean this madness this is you're true self"add the other me.

"There's more than negative emotions in peoples heart...and even if I don't like to admit it this madness is part of me...but it doesn't define who I am."

"You talk,you talk but you're words mean nothings,we all know who you really are "

She may look like me but we have defferent hearts... that's enough for me

"Close youre eyes and look at What youre doing in the material world."The other Maka said

I do as she said.what I see shock me ,I'm totally kicking Akira's ass,and I am laughing like crazy,I am enjoying crushing peoples?no this isn't me , I look again,and I see everyone's look,they are terreffied.... Of me?

"No this isn't me"I said"this ISN'T ME!"

The other me is now gone but I can still her laugh and voice saying:

"Come with me,give in to the madness,you don't have to suffer and feel fear anymore...."

I look everywhere,trying to find an exit but all I see is thousands of madness eyes looking right at me.and than its dark.I hate dark.Soul...where are you?I need my light...

"Maka..."said a voice

"Soul..?SOUL!"I scream 

I finally open my eyes and than I wish I didn't.

Soul P.O.V.

Maka she is being swallow by the madness ...

"Soul..?SOUL!"thats Maka's voice

"Maka!"I yell 

I close my eyes to try to find were the voice is coming from but when I open them,what would I've give to have keep them close.


What did maka and soul saw?find out in the next Chapter

Chapter 9 coming soon 

Sorry it was short and a little confusing 

I swear Black star is saying out loud what we all think.😎

😆😊Happiness.......what a wounderful feeling

A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound bodyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant