4 -- Your Highness Wishes For the Girl to be Erased... So I Shall Fulfill.

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I saw him. The man of Blue. I liked him. A lot. It was love at first sight. I loved him.

But then I saw her. She already stole his heart away.

The Girl of Green.

I summoned my servant after some thought. He entered, smiling widely. He bowed.

"Yes my queen? Anything you want, I will see to it that it comes through," he said. I nodded. I was full of envy.

"Ruin the country of Green," I said quietly. His smile disappeared. He stood up and looked me in the eye. His eyes seemed to become almost glittery, then it looked as though tears were welling in his eyes.

"Anything.... The Q-Queen wishes," he said. Then he turned and left. I was puzzled by his tears. Why would he be upset over the country of Green? "Oh, it's snack time!!!"


I held the torch. I looked at the country through tearful eyes.

It was a beautiful country, full of beautiful people.

My shaky hand moved the torch against a tree. The tree caught fire fast. Then I lit a building... My tears fell as I heard the screams of the people. Children, women, men, whole families were burning. By the time that the whole street was on fire, I dropped the torch. Tearful, I sprinted away.

She was gone now. I would never be able to see the smile of the Girl of Green. Her smile rested in the ashes of the country. And my tears lead me to misery.

I went home and cried.

Why won't my tears stop?

I wondered if the Queen heard... I didn't care. My pillow was my tissue and silence was my only comfort.

But when I'm around the Queen, I have to be strong. I have to smile. I have to be... A masked version of myself. Anything for the Queen. Her happiness... Is my happiness.....


I heard him crying. I stood outside of his door and listened. What did I do? What have I done?

And for the first time... I felt sympathy.

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