The Not-So-Simple Life That's Mine

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Janessa is Rachael Bilson --------------->


My name is Janessa . I don't know my last name, but right now it's the same as my 'parents'. White. It's plain, boring and i hate it, but i never really had no choice. And today, January 18th, is the day my life really started. When my adventure began...

"Janessa! Get your lazy self outta bed!!" Said Zyra, my foster mom.

I made a muffled noise in my pillow, and I heard her laugh. "I'm warning you, get up now. Or else." She said in a mock stern voice. My eyes widened, last time I didn't get up, it wasn't very pretty. I shot out of bed, and fell on the floor. My hand automatically came to my injured shoulder. Looking at it I saw it looked worse than it felt. From the spot my neck ends, to the tip of my shoulder blade was a deep red, gradually turning purple. I narrowed my eyes, looking for the offending object that caused my fall. My foot was twisted in the sheets, and pulling them off the bed with me when I tripped. "Humph!" I muttered crossly.

I walked into my bathroom, and opened the mirror-cabinet thingy. Finding out there wasn't really anything you can do for a bruise, I closed the mirror-cabinet thingy with a scowl. I turned on the water and stripped. I somehow was able to avoid my elbow from getting wet. I wrapped the towel around me, brushed my hair and teeth and walked across my room to my closet. Picking out an outfit wasn't hard, the school code says you have to wear navy blue, white, or black on top, and any colored jeans or skirts. I chose a white v-neck and white skinny jeans. My curly brown hair was still wet, so I just pulled it into a high ponytail with my bangs held back with boby pins. Nothing was needed for my face, it was clear and oil free, but boring. I frowned at my blue eyes and feminine face structure. It was the same as nearly everyone elses in the world. I sighed sadly and went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, there was black granite put on top of the counter tops, that wrapped around the perimeter of the room, save for the over-sized fridge and multiple ovens. Cabinets also surrounded the kitchen, a deep red oak color with black handles, the microwave a shiny stainless steel. The island in the center of the room was, also, a black granite, with a silver sink that bowed gracefully at the end. I grabbed a banana and took one of the keys off of the hook. I opened the door to the garage. We have 7 cars, which i think is waaay too many, but oh well. My new parents were, obviously wealthy. Zyra is a real estate agent, while Daniel is the CEO of Blake inc., I have no idea what his company does, they could be anything from guys who sell pie, or under cover ninja spies. Ha, that rhymed. I clicked 'unlock' on the car keys and squealed when I saw I got the ford mustang GT 2012. It was red with silver racing stripes. I got in and turned on the ignition, it purred softly in response.

I made it to school in good timing, and headed towards the back of the school where  no one would see my car. It was too flashy, and I just wanted to blend in. I walked into school, and saw my three friends: Tim, Lola, and Mathew. Tim is the closest one though, he was there for me when I broke up with my ex, John. I was there when his long-distance relationship crashed because she was cheating on him. I tell him everything and the same goes for him. We have this thing where we'll act like a couple, but really, we don't have any feelings for each other that way. I ran into hia arms and he picked me up and spun me around.

"Hey Nessa." He whispered in my ear.

I held onto him tighter, "Hey Tim." I pecked his cheek and he let me down.

"Jay, you know how the anual dance is coming up and-"

I cocked my head to the side,"We have a dance?" Tim laughed.

Lola looked annoyed that I interrupted. "Yeah. And it's in a week from now, but-"

"In a week, how come no one told me?!"

"We did."


"So if you can find someone to go with, which won't be a problem for you, we can-"

"I'll go with Tim." I looked at him for approval, and he nodded a yes.

"Okay, so we need to go shopping for dresses, and shoes, and get our hair and nails and-"

I groaned. "NO."

"Yes, you will. Unless you want me to show The Picture."

I gasped, "You wouldn't."

She grinned evilly, "Oh, but I would."

And that, is how, a week from that day, I found myself in my livingroom, on a bejeweled pink stool, surrounded by hair stylists and make-up artists...

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