Brady picks up a spear, and swings it around, balancing it between his fingers.

"Spears huh?" Personally, I like daggers. Easy to carry, easy to fight with, easy to hide. I walk over to the dagger section, picking up one with curved edges.

"I made a spear once my parents died." He keeps swinging it, but this time, his movements are more jagged and angry.

"Let's go," I say, holding the dagger and motioning him to follow me outside.

"Lead the way, Boss."

I grin at him and start walking towards the Training Field. "Welcome to the best place in the world to get rid of all your anger, sadness and worries." I spread my arms apart, standing infront of the field.

"Great. Cuz that's exactly what I need right now." His usual playful grey eyes are now dark and stormy, watching two people fight in the corner.

I balance the dagger on my right hand, careful not to swing my left arm, the wounded one, too much.

"Good. Come and get me." I swing at his stomach, trying to get close enough to scare him but not close enough to hurt him. He jumps back, glaring at me.

Yes. Come on Brady. How good are you here?

I push my thoughts back, focusing on the knife. Xavier's words ring through my ears, "The knife isn't just a weapon when your fighting. It's a part of you. An extension."

Brady swings the spear and thrusts it to my side. I swing the dagger, blocking his hit, and bring it to his feet. Jumping, he hits my calf with the stick of his spear. I groan, and stumble back, glaring at him. While pushing myself up, I thrust the dagger towards his ankle. He shifts back, but not far enough for the dagger cuts his ankle. Blood stains his jeans a crimson color and he hisses, grabbing his ankle. I jump forward, hitting my palm flat against his ear, making him loose his balance. He swings, hitting me in the jaw. Pain flares up and I tiredly clutch my aching mouth. He swing his spear, trying to hit my side. I thrust my dagger down in front of me, wood hitting metal. Without warning, he swings his spear under me, taking my legs out from under me. Groaning, I try to sit up, but he sticks the spear head at my neck. Sharp, cold stone collides with soft, hot skin.

"I win." He holds out a hand. Grabbing it, I pull myself up and swing my dagger, holding it at his throat.

"Don't underestimate me Brady." He gives me that playful smirk.

"Ok Blanchard." From behind me, he presses the spear head at the small of my back. "But you shouldn't underestimate me either."

We are pressed together, my knife at his throat, his spear at my back. We are a messy, sweaty, bloody mess. He grins at me as he steps back, dropping the spear. "Tie?"

"Tie." I look down at his bloody ankle. "Sorry 'bout that." He looks down at it and grimaces.

"No problem, I probably deserved it." He glances up at me and gently runs his hand along my jaw. His warm fingers tickle as he tilts my head to get a better look of the now-forming bruise. My heart flutters at his touch and I can't pull back even though I know I should.

"Ms. Kira," A young woman says, coming out of nowhere. "Madam Cheri would like to see you." I nod, reluctant to have to leave.

"I gotta go," I tell Brady, whose hands are now at his side. "Talk to you at dinner?"

"I would love to." He smiles.

I grin and turn around, trying to hide the way my heart beats faster at his words.

No Kira. Not again, not after everyone you trusted hurt you. Not now.

I frown at myself. Why is Brady getting to me like this? Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I follow the young girl to Cheri's tent. Cheri is a Seer. She was cursed when she was young with the ability to look into the future. She hasn't been seeing anything lately, but Xavier thinks it's because she's getting sick due to her age. The young girl nods and motions for me to enter.

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