"Yeah. I just moved here not too long ago." I said and he smiled.

"What part of America?"

"California." I said and he nodded.

"I see. I have family on the east coast." He said. As the conversation continued smoothly, we began playing the lengthy game of Monopoly.

"So where are you working?" Violet asked mid game.

"I actually work at my Dad's publication company. You might have heard of it. Kolten Publications." I said and she nodded.

"Oh totally! I believe I actually have a few books published by them." She sounded excited, now having something in common with me. "Isn't there a location in California?"

I nodded, taking drink of my water. "Yeah, but I needed to get out of there. I could have moved to New York to work there, but I just wanted something completely different."

"That's awesome." Phil said as he rolled the dice. "What's it like working there?"

"Well, I really enjoy it. I want to be a writer myself one day, so it's a great start." I said. I looked over to Dan who was watching me intently. I sent him a small smile, and he seemed to be broken from his trance, sending me one back as he looked down at his phone.

"Doubles!" Phil put his fists on the air excitedly and moved his piece.

"Roll doubles three times and you go to jail." Dan reminded him and Phil rolled his eyes.

"Don't be jealous that I'm more than half the board ahead of you." He teased and we all laughed.

The night went on comfortably and easily. It was nice being able to hang out with such an easy going crowd, even with Dan's constant staring. I would be surprised to find out he didn't have any interest in me, with how obvious he was being. But I couldn't lie if I tried, I was probably just as into him. Maybe even a little more.

Violet and Michael left around ten, claiming they had obligations in the morning. As they left, I was reminded I also had something to do in the morning. Work.

"I should probably be heading out." I said as Phil packed away the last of the game.

"Work tomorrow?" he asked and I nodded, standing from the floor. Dan followed quickly.

"It's pretty late." He noted and I nodded.

"That it is," I agreed.

"I don't want to sound like an old man, but I'm pooped. I'm going to go to bed." Phil said. "It was nice to see you, Sophia!" He said his goodnights, and then shuffled off down the hall.

"I'm assuming I should probably let you out now?" Dan asked and I nodded, grabbing my jacket.

"Sounds like a plan." I said and we walked towards the door.

"Will you be okay out there?" He asked as he unlocked the door, turning to look at me.

"I'm a big girl. I think I'll be fine." I said and he scoffed.

"Well right, but I mean, will you be needing accompaniment?" I watched as he slipped his shoes on, almost as if he didn't need an answer from me.

"You can walk me outside." I offered and he stood up to his full height.

"Well, I guess I'll take it." He sighed and we walked out.

As we walked down the hall, I thought back to the night I was being followed, momentarily scaring myself.

"You're being quiet." He stated as we stepped into the elevator. I looked over to him and studied his facial expression, but was unable to read it.

"I don't know, I'm just freaking myself out." I said as I watched him hit the lobby button.

"About?" He questioned as the doors shut and the lift began to move.

"It's stupid." I said and slouched my shoulders as I leaned on the railing.

"I bet it isn't,"

"I'm serious. It's nothing."

"Well if it's nothing, then you shouldn't be scared." He said defiantly.

I looked over to him and let out a short sigh. "Basically, I was walking home from work the other night and I thought I was being followed. Well, I'm like almost positive I was being followed."

He was quiet as he watched the doors open. We stepped out of the elevator and began to walk to the front door. "Did you see the person?"

"Not their face, but I saw the figure of them from a distance." I said as he opened the door for me, letting me out into the bitter night. He walked out behind me closely.

"I think it's got me paranoid because of the whole murder thing that has been all over the news." I shrugged and turned to look at him. He put his hands in the pockets of his jeans and nodded.

"Makes sense. In that case, are you sure you don't need a man to walk you home?" He asked and a cheeky grin appeared on his face. I couldn't help but smile. He took every opportunity he got to spend time with me.

"I'll be okay. I have your number in case anything happens." I said and he sighed.

"I guess that's good enough. Just text me when you get home so I know you're okay." He said and I nodded.

"You got it."


hi sorry this took me so long. tbh i went to california with some friends and then we realized vidcon was going on so we did some lowkey stalking around the area and basically long story short we missed dan and phil by like literally minutes so that was sad but what ever. we got to explore abandoned places and went to the beach so it's cool. tell me what you thought of this and ty ty to all of you for the feedback. you guys are gr8 a'f.

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