Chapter 2

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Luke's POV.

Beep beep beep

I groaned as my alarm for work went off. Swinging my arm back and smacking the snooze button.

I layed with my face down into the pillow and internally screamed.
My body felt like it was 600lbs.
My eyelids 10xs heavier.

I eventually opened my eyes and saw Dinah wasn't next to me.

I whined "Diinnaah!"

"I'm right here, chill" she laughed.

I sat up and she was in front of the mirror putting make up on.
"Why are you drawing on your eye?" I asked rubbing my own eyes.

"Its called eyeliner, theres breakfast on the stove, you better jump in the shower now before Calum gets to it." she said.

Swing one foot after another over the edge of the bed, I stood up.

I looked at Dinah and smiled. "Pretty dress" She had one of the long sun dresses on.

"It makes me look less fat" she laughed

I laughed and walked up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist "You look beautiful"

She looked up at me and smiled "Thank you"

I planted a kiss on her lips, letting it linger longer then needed.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"Well, I'm off today so I'm gonna go to the mall or something, get out the house for a bit. " she said.

"Want me to go with you? I can just call off." I asked.

"No, I don't want you stressing anything" she said,

I sighed, kissing her exposed shoulder "what you said last night really got me thinking, I'm never home and I miss out on things. Like the first time it kicked, I should've been there, or when you went to the sonogram alone, or that birthing class I missed. What if I miss his first word or first steps because I'm to busy at work? I don't want to be that dad who's always working and never has time for his own kid."

She turned around and faced me "Aww Lukey, you're going to be an amazing father"

Her arms wrapped around my neck and I sighed deeply. "I just, I want to be there for those things, I'm scared I'll miss out or something "

"Hey, my mom missed out on Seth's first word" she laughed "Its okay to work, and as soon as he or she hits at least 4months I'll be back to work myself, it's gonna be fine, promise "

"Okay but I'm still calling off today" I smiled.

Calums POV.

"Morning Dinah" I said waving at her as she sat at the kitchen table, eating toast. "Hey anything specific you want for the baby?"

"Umm not really, just some gender neutral clothes. Oh and binkys, we'll need lots of binkys and bottles " she laughed, taking a bite of her toast.

"Great, and Huggies right?" I asked, rummaging through the fridge for a drink. Deciding on a bottle of water, I closed the fridge and sat across from Dinah .

"Yep, and wipes. Tell mani not to go all out, my mom's already bought the swing and the 4-in-1 car seat thingy "

"Oh yea, I saw that on tv. " I said.

"Yea, it'll come in handy but I know mani loves buying big gifts" Dinah laughed.

"Who's getting a big gift?" Luke asked walking into the kitchen, bottoning up his top.

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