Memo to the Assembly, #2

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As requested, attached below is a copy of the memory erasure protocol for Mason Sahar.

Family, Treated in Clinic:


Acquaintances, Treated in Clinic:

Allard, Walter. Status: Complete. Complaints: None.

Farmorre, Carra. Status: Complete. Complaints: None.

Farmorre, Julie. Status: Complete. Complaints: None.

Farmorre, Paul. Status: Complete. Complaints: None.

Farmorre, Taryn. Status: Complete. Complaints: None.

Wielder, Jack. Status: Complete. Complaints: None.

Wielder, Phoebe. Status: Complete. Complaints: None.

Family, Untreated:

Sahar, Hana (Sister). Status: Deceased. Complaints: NA

Sahar, Jessica (Mother). Status: Deceased. Complaints: NA

Sahar, Rahim (Father). Status: Deceased. Complaints: NA

Acquaintances, Untreated:

Vargas, Nina. Status: Missing. Complaints: NA

Although I think the record speaks for itself, I'll emphasize that we reported nothing out of the ordinary during any of the procedures and we have no reason to believe the protocol was not one hundred percent effective. If I may be blunt, your concern that any of the treated patients might have begun to remember him is unfounded. I have nothing but confidence in my staff and the effectiveness of our procedures.

Best regards,

Naomi Weller

Director of Research and Scientific Advancement

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