Chapter 20-The End

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"Yes (c/n)?"

"What was mommy like?"

"She was.. just like you.. pretty, intelligent, strong and quite bossy"

"Hahaha mommy sounds like a bad person."

"She wasn't... she's the reason why you and daddy is still alive.."

"What do you mean daddy?"

"I'll tell you when you get older."

"Okay! By the way daddy, where is mommy?"

"... she's.."

"oh no daddy! I didn't mean to make you cry! I'm sorry!"

"No no no. It's okay. Daddy's just sad. That's all..."

"Where is she?"

"She's.. in the other world. A happy and beautiful world now.. she above us. Looking at us and probably smiling at us right now."

"Mommy's an angel?!?"

"Yes.. she is.."

'I hope to see you soon... (f/n)'

❣I L♡VE You Stupid❣(Tetsuya Kuroko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now