Chapter 12

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"I love you (f/n)-chan.."

"I love you too.. Tetsu-chan"

We went to Maji burger because it was already 4:47!

'Wow. I was dramatic for 1 hour..' I thought to myself.

We sat down on a chair near the window.

"Tetsu-chan, you need explaining to do."


"(B/f/n) told me that you liked me but I also knew she liked me. She wanted to be your friend that's why we didn't tell you that everything was a set up."

"Set up?!?"

"Yes. Me and your best friend hugging in the restaurant, holding hands, that was all planned. We knew you would get jealous. Also I wasn't really hooking up with Yuuka, I told her to make moaning sounds to get your attention. When you went in, we knew you would take a picture. That also wasn't a real kiss. I just put my face near hers and we both closed our eyes. But, we didn't know you would go SO far that you would cut my wrist and smash Yuuka's face into the wall."

"Well, I did that because she was being a bitch to me in school."

"Okay. Okay. So, (b/f/n) cried not because she was hurt. She was crying because she knew that YOU were hurt. She was angry at me from the very start you liked me."

"What the hell?"

"She also didn't sleep because she was sharpening her knives.. for some reason."

"Holy crap.. I think I'm the one who knows the reason.."

"So everything, EVERYTHING was a set up. I also lied that I touched my lips with oher different lips and.. the others..."

"Oh.. so.. I'M YOUR FIRST KISS?!?"


"Oh my god Tetsu.. I'm so happy like I'm gonna explode! But I'm still mad that you both lied to me."

"Yeah. I'm sorry."

"Nah it's okay." I kissed him and we both stood up.

We decided to go back to (b/f/n)'s house to talk to her. I simply barged in and went upstairs.

"Tetsu you can sit down if you want"

He sat down and waited for me. After a few minutes, me and (b/f/n) went downstairs. Tetsu was sleeping.

"(F/n) your little angel is sleeping.."

"Huh? Oh you're right." I went up to him and poked him.

He slowly opened his eyes and yawned. I found it quite sexy. I kissed his forehead and said

"Wake up sleepy head. Mind walking me home? (B/f/n) doesn't want to."

"Sure (f/n).. as long as it's you.."

I smiled at him and stood up. I took a shower and changed wrapped my body with the towel I brought.

❣I L♡VE You Stupid❣(Tetsuya Kuroko x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum