Chapter 9

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I looked up again and walked over to the entrance of the school. I passed by Kuroko and I noticed he was trembling in fear. I saw he used a bandage to cover the cut up.

'At least you can afford one..' I thought to myself.

I stopped when I noticed someone behind me. I turned around to see
(b/f/n). She just stood there staring at me. I could tell that she didn't sleep and just cried because of her face.

She had a dark circle under her eyes revealing that she didn't sleep last night. She also had red puffy eyes which means she cried. A LOT. After a few minutes of staring at each other, she hugged me and cried AGAIN.

"Aw come on (b/f/n). You cried all night! Don't cry again! You'll ruin your beautiful face." I said as I pulled apart and wiped her tears.

"(F-f/n)!!" She hugged me again and cried so hard.

"I-I'm sorry.. this is all my fault.. Kuroko told me that he liked you and.. you also liked him so.. I thought it wou-"

"This is not your fault! It's my fault! I should have been a nice girlfriend but instead... I forced him to buy expensive stuff for me.."

"What?!? Are you serious?!?" I said while laughing my butt off.

"H-h-hey! Don't laugh! It's embarrassing!" She said with a little blush on her face.

"Okay. Okay. Come on we're going to be late. Let's go."

"Okay~" she wiped her tears and smiled at me.

I checked my phone.

"......I think we're too late..."

"What do you mean (f/n)-chan?"

"It's alteady 11:57..."

"Wha?!? Oh! My! God! You know what? Let's just go and skip class and go have fun for now okay? I need to forgt about what happend that night" she said excitedly.

"Uh.. okay then."

She pulled my arm and we went over to an arcade. Of course I was really good at games so I won all the time. We also went shopping and ate in (fave. restaurant). After that we went over to her house. We decided to have a sleep over.

"Hey (f/n)-chan. What do you wanna play?"

"Hm... how about... truth or dare?"

"Ooooh~ that's a great idea!" She sat down with me on the floor.

"You go first (f/n)-chan!"

"Huh?!? Why me?!?"

"Because you suggested the game."

"Ugh... fine.."

"Yay! Okay. Truth or Dare?"


"Okay.. Who do you like?"

'That's a hard question.. If I say Kuroko she will either get mad at me or just has nothing to do with... should I lie? Hmm..'

"Do you promise not to kill me?"

"Umm sure!"

"Are you sure?"




"Are you rea-"

"Just cut the chase already! You're scaring me!"

"Okay... I like.. Kuroko..." I said with my eyes tightly shut.


There was an awkward silence until she said...

❣I L♡VE You Stupid❣(Tetsuya Kuroko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now