Chapter 18

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Tetsuya was laying down on the floor with pools blood around him but good thing he was still breathing. Tears went down my cheeks while anger was overcoming my heart.

"Where's (c/n)?" I asked Akashi while sobbing.

"Over here." He said while turning me around.

She was being held by Akashi like he's the father but NO. She was nothing like him.

'I hope he dies painfully..' I thought to myself.

"Me? Die? That's harsh (f/n).." Akashi while still holding the baby.

'What the.. did he just read my mind?!?'

'I think he just did..'

'(F/n) don't talk to me! His still reading my mind! He'll think that I'm weird!'

'You're right (f/n)! This is the second time you've been right!'

'Just shut up!'

"I don't think you're weird (f/n). You're just interesting."

I blushed hard at his words but it calmed down quickly when I looked at my daughter.

"(F-f/n)?" I heard a familiar voice say.

"T-Tetsuya?! Are you alright?!?" I told him while crying.

"I am. I just have a few bruises and cuts. That's all but don't worry."

"Don't worry?!? You were being beat up! How am I not going to worry?!?"

"Oh? So his still alive?" Akashi said with a cold voice.

"Akashi don't hurt him!"

"But his in the way.." he put down the baby and it started crying.

He grabbed a baseball bat and walked over to Tetsuya.

"Akashi!! DON'T TOUCH HIM!!" I said while crying my eyes out.

I struggled out of my handcuffs. My hands were wounded and bleeding. I knew it was painful but I couldn't feel it. All I focused on was to save the person I love. He was already in front of Tetsuya and that made me struggle more. He raised his bat and...

❣I L♡VE You Stupid❣(Tetsuya Kuroko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now