⌠Chapter 10⌡

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PIcture of her sweater to the side

Chapter 10

After I had accepted the fact that I had now officially cried over a boy, Peter broke into my room. I was curled up in a ball on my bed. The tears had stopped but my mascara had run down my face and left black streaks. 

"What happened? Avery, what's wrong?" he asked frantically. 

"Nothing," I mumbled, my voice husky. He walked over to me and sat on the bed before pulling me into his arms. 

"Something is very wrong, I know it," he whispered. 

"I'm fine, I promise, I just-"

"Look, I haven't seen you cry since we found out mom had cancer; unless you want me to tickle it out of you, tell me," he interrupted.

"Liam yelled at me," I said pathetically. 

"What did he say to you?" he said, sounding a bit angry. 

"He just told me some things, and he was right," I mumbled. 

"You're not still trying to find out his story, right?"

"I gave up on that when I realised that it was mean to use him like that."

"Good, then tell me what he said to you, all of it," he said. 

"Okay." I cleared my throat. "He got into a fight at school so I went over to his house after school today to see how he was doing. He looked so mad at Kale that I figured he might need a friend, so I went over there. I didn't know if he considered me as a friend at all after he's yelled at me a couple times, so I just crossed my fingers and hoped he was okay with me. He let me in his room willingly so I sat down," I explained. "He told me that I just messed everything up and should have left him alone. Said I was weak and useless. He told me that I'm helpless because I can't drive. That I'm selfish," I finished bitterly. 

Peter called him a few unpleasant names before he hugged me tighter. "I promise you, Avery, you are none of those things. Don't even dare saying you are, because it isn't true. You are a wonderful person, don't ever think badly of yourself. You're perfect exactly the way you are - well you could have been less annoying when you were little but..." he trailed off playfully. 

"Shut up, you goof, you were annoying too," I said with a smile. I realised then that he changed the subject and lightened the mood with just one sentence. "Thanks."

"For what?" he asked. 

"For making me smile," I answered. 

"What are brother for if they aren't for making their sister's smile?"

"I'm sure I can think of something." I looked up at him and smiled evilly. I jumped up and called out to Josh. 

"What?" he responded loudly. 

"Peter says he has a crush on you!" I yelled and ran out of the room. 

"Avery come back here right now!" 

Peter sure knows how to get me out of a bad mood. He's the best big brother ever. 


The next day at school had to have been the worst day of school ever.

That morning I had put on my favorite over sized sweater. I loved it to bits, it was so comforting and warm. Like a cup of hot cocoa on a cold day.

I was walking down the hall to my locker, minding my own business when I heard it. 

"Spazz," someone spat at me. 

I spun around quickly and glared at them. "What did you say?" I asked angrily. 

"I said spazz, are you deaf now too?" they taunted with a smirk. 

"Why would you call me that?" I asked slightly panicking but not letting it show. 

"Because you're a freak who has seizures." The person rolled their eyes like it was the most obvious thing ever, and walked away. 

Oh no. This could not be happening again. How did they find out!? 


He wouldn't... would he? I had to find him.

I quickly searched the halls for him. People were calling me spazz every chance they got. My books had been "dropped" around 7 times all in the span of 5 minutes. This wasn't good, at all. I finally found him by the water fountain. 

"Liam I need to talk to you," I said angrily. 

"Why would I talk to you, you'll just screw something up," he spat at me. A crowd has started forming and they were all looking at me like I was some sort of disgusting freak. 

"Did you tell them my secret?" I asked him gravely. 

"Yes," he said bluntly. 

"Why, Liam!?" I shrieked. I was fighting back tears but I wasn't going to be weak. I was going to show him I was better than all of this.

"I had no reason to keep it," he growled. 

"You know what, Liam! I've had enough of you! You're fine with me one day and completely angry at me the next! I don't know what to do anymore. I forgave you for yesterday, but this, I can't forgive you. I will never forgive you, Liam," I said with as much power as I could. I wasn't going to run away and cry like a weakling like I did yesterday. I was going to stand up for myself. Before I walked away I could have sworn I saw him look regretful. 

 And he should be. 

You're probably wondering why I was making such a big deal out of a few snide comments at school. That they shouldn't mean that much to me, that I should just brush it off and keep going. Well  I'll let you in on a little secret, it hurts. I hurts hearing people make fun of me for being who I am. I could'nt help how I turned out, it wasn't my choice to have epilepsy. 

At my old school they would never shut up. The had driven me to near depression with all of their constant teasing and bullying. It was another added reason to why we move. I never told my family the whole truth. I had just told Peter that people were bothering me about it at school. Of course, he could see that, he was still attending school. 

But the year he left everything got worse. The bullying was ten times more extreme and the names were more harsh. He had no idea how bad it had gotten, no one did. 

Now thanks to Liam, it was all coming back. I had to relive everything all over again. 

But he had no idea, and if he did, I don't think he would care anymore. 

Author's Note

You guys totally motivated me with all your positive feedback on that last chapter :) I love you guys

Anyway, do you guys like Peter? What about Josh? 

Vote if you still want to punch Liam.

Comment your thoughts and on grammar mistakes please :) 

Thanks :D

Oh and I need a name for you guys, help me think of what to call you :P

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