31~The break up

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Louis' pov.

I walk back into the house and see that everyone else isn't in the living room except Jennifer. She knows I'm in here but she looks at the ground. I don't want to date her but I have to. It will maybe hopefully distract me from how much I like Ally.

Jennifer walks up to me and she starts apologizing and i forgive because I honestly didn't even care. I walk upstairs and see that Ally is asleep and the time is two in the afternoon.

I probably look like utter crap because of last night which is mostly a blur. I grab my clothes and hop into the shower. I start to think about everything mainly Ally. While I was washing my hair I was thinking if I should break up with Jennifer.

I tried to think of reasons I should.

1. I don't like her.
2. She doesn't like me
3. I like Ally
4. My family doesn't really like her
5. She cheated on me
6. She is a known at school for being a slut.
7. She wouldn't even care.

I decided to break up with her when I get out of the shower. I get dressed into jeans and a plain shirt.

I walk out and see that Jennifer must have already gone for a shower. She flashed me a barbie doll smile. I ask her if she wanted to go for a walk.

She obviously didn't want to but she went anyway. She walked outside and I walked beside her until I spotted a bench and I sit on it and so does Jennifer.

She crossed one leg over the other and turned to face me. She lent in and was about to kiss me when I turned my face. She furrowed her eyebrows and I started to explain.

"We can't date anymore," I say bluntly. She scoffs. She hasn't ever been rejected before but there is a first time for everything.

She rolls her eyes and gives me a good slap and walks off. My cheek stings a little but I could barely feel it. Her eyes were cold when she glared back at me but I was just glad we weren't together anymore.

She will most likely already have another boyfriend by tomorrow. I walk back home and listen to music. When I get back Ally is on the phone and Mum and Daisy are dancing to some music.

Ally puts down the phone and sighs and flops on the couch. "What was that about?" I ask curiously. She was obviously upset and stressing about something.

"The court just told me that the are moving forward the trail so it will be on tomorrow at two in the afternoon!" she states obviously not wanted to go, I can't blame her though.

My mum walks over to her and gives her a warm hug and says that we will all be there to help. I guess I should tell everyone now.

Ally's pov.

"I have some news to tell you guys!" Louis says and everyone sits down. I wonder if it's good or bad? I didn't want to hear because last time he gave us news, I ended up in tears and I'm done with crying for the time being.

"I just broke up with Jennifer!" he say calmly. I can't help but smile a little to myself.

"Thank you, my beautiful son, thank you. That spoilt bastard is out!" Jay cheers. I laugh and Louis rolls his eyes but I know he agrees.

"So Louis you obviously didn't even like her so why did you date her?" Daisy says. She does have a point. He fiddles his fingers and just avoids the question by saying that he needs to go charge his phone.

I shrug it off and decided to help Jay with dinner. Today has gone by really really fast surprisingly because I woke up late and went to bed and woke up just a little while ago.

We were cooking spaghetti and Jay asked if I could tell everyone that dinner will be ready in 10 mintues. She always tells them before so they have time to stop what they are doing. I run upstairs and go into everyones room telling them that dinner was ready.

When I reach Louis room I knock and he answers so I walk in. He was sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. He looked stressed and I started to get concerned.

I walk up to him and softly sit next to him and ask him what he was worrying about. At first he doesn't say anything but then he turns to face me with lust on his eyes.

"I can't stop running away from my feelings! " he says and makes me even more confused until he started to lean in. I didn't stop him and I actually wanted him to kiss me so I let him.

His lips connected with mine and they move in sync. I feel butterflies in my stomach and then fireworks. I smile into the kiss and he raises his hand and puts it behind my head pulling me closer.

I run my hands through his hair and I can tell he liked it. We pull apart for air and we were both out of breath. His eyes sparkled and he didn't looked stressed anymore.

"Look Ally, I really really like you I have for a while and I only dated Jennifer so I wouldn't think about you as much. I tried avoiding my feelings for you but I can't , I think I'm in love with you Ally!" He says sweetly while rubbing his neck.

My mouth hung open and I was shocked. The most popular hottest guy in school likes me? The one I have a crush on? The one that just freaking kissed me?!

I regain my composure and I answer him.

"I think I'm in love with you as well!" I say while biting my lip trying not to smile

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