Part 19

301 21 13

Johns POV
I sat opposite Sherlock, staring into his piercing bluey green eyes.
J- you look...really good
He looked hot, he was wearing the purple shirt that made him look like god with his perfectly toned chest showing through the tight fabric.
S- thank you...Hamish picked it out for me
I swallowed down the cough in my throat. How did Hamish know this was my favourite shirt... oh no... the note book. I forgot about that part.
S- are you okay... you look flustered
I was saved by the waitress asking what drinks we wanted, I ordered some white wine.
J- do you drink that?
He just shrugged his shoulders. We were both silent, both looking at each other, checking each other out. We were interrupted again when our drinks were banged on the table, causing the few couples in the restaurant to turn to look at us. The waitressed blushed.
?- I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen
I shook my head and said it was fine. We both ordered the chef special, which was a surprise so we didn't know what to expect. When the waitress had gone, my breath caught in my throat because of the way Sherlock was looking at me.
S- aren't first dates meant to be about getting to know each other? We've known each other for over 20 years by now, don't we know enough?
I nodded.
J- I'm happy here with you, and even when we go silent, it's comfortable so it's fine
He nodded but still looked in deep thought, I shrugged it off, this was his first date after all.
S- do you see a future with me?
Well that was unexpected.
J- y-yes, of course I do
S- I don't think you mean that
I looked at him in disbelief and reached for his hand across the table. His hands were so soft, so slender, how was he so beautiful without even trying?
J- I do see you in my future Sherlock, I do love you, with all my heart. I just...when you 'died' I put the feelings down to being depressed that you were gone, but now you're back, I realised it was a different feeling, something much more than just being sad that I lost my best friend
He nodded and smiled. satisfied with my answer. Our moment was over when the waitress put our surprise dish on the table, she left without saying another word.
J- so...any idea what this is?
S- haven't the faintest
We both chuckled and got a fork full of whatever was on our plates. We both put it to our mouthes at the same time, and took a bite. It had a sharp taste at the start but was nice. Me and Sherlock made small talk throughout the meal, remembering old cases and things we found hilarious. We finished our plates and the waitress came over with our bill. I payed and grabbed Sherlocks hand. We walked out into the cold air.
S- was I meant to pay?
I rolled my eyes.
J- no you didn't
He opened his mouth to say something but shut it again, squeezing my hand tighter. I turned to look at him and he did the same. And then his lips were on mine. Our mouthes moving together. We were lost in the moment until a car pulled up to the side of us and peeped, we ended up pulling away after a few more beeps of the horn. I frowned to look through rolled down windows.
L- alright fellas
Sherlock sighed and started to walk down the street.
J- just don't spread it around, please? I'll explain another time
I turned to look where Sherlock had gone, I saw his curls crossing a road. I couldn't get my words out, I saw headlights come from around the corner, knocking the curls flying over the lit up car. I screamed, at least I thought I was, only silent air seemed to be coming out. It was happening again, he was dying again, at least this time, it had to be real. A car pulled up at the side of me, not that I noticed, I was hugging myself and crying. Lestrade rushed ahead, time had stopped for me, I was unable to move. I saw three ambulances pull up to the scene infront of me. I was suddenly urging forward, was he alive? I stopped again, I didn't want too see him if he was dead. I saw his pale lifeless body being pulled into one of the ambulances, and then I was screaming, this time, something was coming out. Everyone turned to face me but I crumpled into a heap on the floor, this time he really was dead.

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