Part 1

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"I'm a fake John"

He told me a few more things, the same things he says every night. And then he was on the dreaded ledge, throwing his phone, and then he fell, his coat blowing out behind him like a cape, if only it worked like that. Then I'm shouting his name and it's too late, over and over, the same nightmare.

I wake up dripping in sweat. Alone. Always alone. Since Sherlock killed himself, I've always been alone, other than Mrs Hudson and Lestrade of course. It's almost been 2 years since he... left. A year and I haven't left my house other than to visit Mrs Hudson, Greg came to my apartment. I had to leave 221b, I couldn't be there without him. Mrs Hudson won't let anyone else have it though, it hasn't been stepped in for the time that he's been gone. Today is the day that I stop being so pathetic.I'm going to go out, visit the apartment, and go for a beer with Greg. I quit my job, I also wouldn't have fed myself if it wasn't for one of Mycrofts assistants that came everyday to feed me. I suppose he was still looking out for me even though Sherlock died, I didn't think it was in Mycrofts nature. Having a shower and looking at myself in the mirror before walking out of the door made me feel a lot better. Sherlock would laugh at me if he had seen me sitting in the same chair for over a year and a half. The newspaper loved the story, I'm pretty sure everyone in England brought the paper that day. The cold air hit my face, it was the middle of winter and I had come out in a jumper, maybe if I got ill it gave me more of an excuse to stay inside. I knew that if I went inside to get a coat, I wouldn't come back out again, maybe it was better taking it in small steps. I turned back around to unlock the door, I was so pathetic.

?-You're Sherlock Holmes companion?

I turned around and looked around at the blonde, middle-aged woman before me.

J- I'm sorry?

?- sorry, that was a bit rude wasn't it

She let out a nervous laugh and held out her hand. I walked towards her hand hesitantly, but shook it.

?- I'm Mary, Mary Morstan, it's nice to meet you

J- um... hello Mary?

M- I just want to say that I'm... sorry about your friend, Sherlock Holmes

I raised my eyebrows.

J- it's been over a year, do you work for a newspaper or something?

M- n-no, I just, I remember all the interesting stories and cases that you both solved, it was amazing reading the papers, being an outsider

I laughed a little.

J- I never solved anything, it was always him, he just dragged me along with him

I'd began walking down the street and she was beside with me.

M- would you like to go and get a coffee?

I didn't even know this woman but I couldn't do much else.

J- sure

We grabbed coffee and sat on a park bench. It reminded me of the time I saw Stamford and he introduced me to the man that has now had such and impact on my life. I used to be fine with being alone, now I hated it.

M- you're smiling

I grinned wider.

J- I'm um... thinking about Sherlock

M- you were sad this morning weren't you? You were going to go back in and not leave. You haven't left in a while have you?

I looked at her, taken a back, she laughed. I felt like the first time Sherlock deduced me.

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