Part 16

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Hamish POV
I just hope this case isn't as easy as the last one. We'd been travelling for a couple of hours to a little village in the country side. It was late, but the sun was slowly starting to rise. It was 5 and I'd literally had no sleep. We'd drove to Scotland yard first where we'd met Lestrade and his crew. He'd handed Sherlock a piece of paper containing the details.

-A village has been receiving threatening letters for a few months
-Nobody reported the threatening letters until now
-elderly/mid 50's aged man committed suicide
-Goes by the name of Marc Smith
-Debra Wiggan called claiming the dead victim

The first place we headed was Marc's house. Seeing a man lying there, knowing he's not breathing but with no sign of blood is weird. Overdose, wether that was on purpose, Sherlock was figuring it all out. Possible murder weapon; letters? I was suggesting all this but nobody was listening. Sherlock wasn't really getting anything so the next place we headed was Debra Wiggans house which she shared with her husband and child. She lived a few doors down from the victims house. She let us in and was very welcome.
J- so, you found Marcs body?
D- my family and his were very close, ever since we were little. I always check on him, bake him a loaf of bread every so often, that's what I was taking to him-
S- so late at night?
L- Sherlock! Let her speak
D- his light had been on a few nights, not switched off. I thought it was weird so went over. Me and my daughter had been baking so I thought I'd take one across to him. I know it was late at night, and I know it looks bad but I honestly didn't mean no harm. I was just checking why he'd been staying up so late at night and not been to sleep. Marc is a lovely man, he lost his wife and kids nearly a year ago. Such a shame for him, he's never been right since
J- can I ask you about the letters?
D- oh yes, the horrid letters. I thought whoever it was, was just targeting me, but my husband had one too, and then now that a letter was found in Marcs home, everyones been talking about it, with all different threats
J- you didn't know your husband had one
D- he didn't want me to worry, he didn't know I had one either
J- what did the letters contain?
D- threats, some um... secrets that nobody else would usually know
J- how many letters did you receive?
D- just the one, and my husband only got one too
J- could you possibly show us a letter?
D- sure, I could go and find one for you? My secrets aren't really that big, but it still scared me a bit that this person knew
She got up from her chair. I felt really awkward when she brushed past me, while she was talking, she kept glancing at me, probably confused why I was so young and working with the police force. She entered the room, holding a crumpled piece of paper to her chest. She handed it to my dad, him and Sherlock scanning there eyes over it, Lestrade was trying to look, but they weren't having any of it.
J- "It's time to get a DNA test for your poor daughter, who's the father?" how would this person know you cheated on your husband?
She shrugged her shoulders.
D- my husband already knows, we sorted this problem out a few years back so the letter didn't really bother me
H- do you think maybe that it was the person you... went with?
Everyone turned to me, Sherlocks lips turning upwards.
D- could be a possibility but everyone else has said about their secrets being on the letters, so the person wouldn't know everything
Sherlock nodded.
S- thank you, you've been very helpful
Dad raised his eyebrows, it was obvious Sherlock has never said this to someone before. We all cleared out onto the street where police cars lined the street.
S- it wasn't her
My dad and Lestrade looked at him in disbelief.
L- how come you're ruling her out so fast?
S- she wouldn't of revealed her own secrets to us, she wasn't even wary
L- how come you're so in her defines
S- I just know Lestrade! I just know it's not her!
I looked at dad who was obviously not taking this very well.
J- what's going on?
S- blame him
And he sped off infront, leaving us all standing there looking at each other.
H- what was that about?
They looked at me and shook their heads. We slowly started to wander down the street, headed to where ever Sherlock went. We were all silent, morning had come around and more people started to stick their heads out of the doors when we walked past. We got a few shouts but neither dad or Lestrade turned to look at them, so neither did I. When we got back to Sherlock, his eyes were frantically scanning over a few pieces of paper; Marcs letters.
L- anything?
S- this man had a lot of 'secrets', no wonder he killed himself
Dad tutted under his breath and shuffled in his spot.

As the weeks progressed, 2 more people had received letters. One of them being Debra. One line that stuck out to me was; I killed Marc, you're next.
It's obviously someone who doesn't like that friendship group. Sherlock thought the same. He was still quiet and wasn't really speaking to anybody. I was sat in a chair on the outskirts of the crime scene, reading dads notebook, when someone coughed above me. My eyes turned upwards to see a mop of curls.
S- Hamish, can I speak to you?
H- whatever
He sat down on a chair next to me.
S- I know you're angry at me, I would be too. I know you're reading that and think what an idiot I am, but-
He pulled his old phone out of his pocket. It was still the same one from when he 'killed' himself.
S- -I want to show you my unsent messages, and they are from that time because the date proves it. These are the unsent messages on my phone, this is how I was going to contact your dad. I was so close every time, but I couldn't risk it, especially as I got further into Moriartys web. I knew he'd set out looking for me, even if I told him not to.
Draft Message:
John I'm alive, please don't look for me
Draft Message:
I miss you, I want to come back
Draft Message:
John, don't miss me, don't cry for me
Draft Message:
I've fallen in love with you
Draft Message:
Please don't marry her
Draft Message:
I'm so sorry John, please forgive me
There were loads of unsent messages, the dates going back through many of years, he was still scrolling and stopped when he knew I'd stopped reading.
S- but I was too late...
He put his head down, the tears clearly visible in his eyes.
H- too late for what?
S- y-your dad moved on, I was too late. Your dad... he's the love of my life Hamish, even he doesn't realise that yet, but when I knew he was going to kiss me, I took that chance because I knew it was going to be my only chance, but I still wanted to know what it felt like, to kiss him. I'd waited so long Hamish, so I took the only opportunity I had. I knew it was so wrong on your mum, but I just took my chance. I never wanted to tell your dad that I loved him, because I wasn't worthy of that chance, and a man like your father doesn't deserve a man like me.
H- I understand
He raised his head and looked at me, the tears rolling down his face.
S- what?
H- I understand why you kissed him, and I also think my dad does deserve a man like you, you're his soulmate
He stared at me, as if to say carry on.
H- reading this, it made me see what true love is. You're dads soulmate, and mum wasn't. I know dad didn't just use mum and me as a happiness object, he was happy, but not as happy as he is with you. Mum and him never showed each other that much attention, not like the way you and him get on
He was watching me as I talked.
H- I think you should take the chance Sherlock
And then he hugged me, a proper hug.
S- Hamish Watson, you're the best thing that ever happen to your dad-
Before I could reply, my dad interrupted our little moment.
J- what's going on? Sherlock why are you crying?
Sherlock flashed me a grin and stood up, I did the same. We both walked side by side, dad following with a confused expression on his face.
H- actually, I think you're the best thing that ever happened to him Sherlock
He looked at me blankly.
H- tell him now, or I take back everything I said just and I will taunt you with it for the rest of your life
He looked at me and stopped walking, smiling at me. I carried on walking down the road, hearing muffled shouts behind me.

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