Part 11

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Hamish POV
We got back to Baker Street, Nan stayed for awhile and asked us about the case. She'd asked me about how I felt about it.
MH- how are you feeling Hamish, is it thrilling?
I'd nodded.
H- it's so fun, and interesting, even though it shouldn't be, because someone is dead but
I'd shrugged and she laughed. She'd left later that night and then it was just us 3.
H- I'm going upstairs, to get changed
They'd nodded, dad reading the paper and Sherlock was on a laptop that wasn't his, stole it from the Yard apparently. I ran upstairs and sat down on... dads bed, that was now mine. I scrolled through my phone, people were having a much less fun time than me. I searched on the internet for Sherlock Holmes, and news articles about how he had risen from the grave. I laughed at them and then got changed and walked downstairs, it was quiet, just like it was when I left, somehow this made me want to be quiet too. When I walked into the kitchen, I didn't expect to see what I saw. Dad and Sherlock, eyes shut and lips locked. My mouth fell open and I was confused and just stood there for a few seconds, before stepping out of sight. What was going on? I heard a shuffle and was ready to cover my eyes and ears, but I heard dad mumble a sorry, and footsteps running down the stairs. I take he'd left. I didn't know what to do, so I walked up a few stairs and walked down them, stamping so he could hear me coming 'down'. I walked into the room and pretended to look around for dad.
H- where's dad?
S- he um... he had to leave, your mum was calling him
Yeah his wife, while he was sat here snogging another person, a man! I'm not homophobic but, he has a wife who is the mum of his child, he's just cheated and I've just witnessed it.
H- are you okay Sherlock, you look giddy
He was staring at the ground, shock written all over his face, it almost made me laugh to seem him like this, but then I remembered what my dad had just done, any trace of happiness was gone. What did this mean? That my dad and Sherlock were a thing? He was going back home to his wife, who he'd just cheated on. This thought kept running round and my head.
S- I'm fine, I'm going to have an early night... this case is tiring me out... do whatever you want to do
H- ...okay
He quickly rushed off and slammed his bedroom door shut. Did my dad really have this effect on him? I don't know if Sherlock enjoyed that or didn't, he's hard to read. I couldn't stay here, not knowing what they did, but maybe it's best if I stay here, to see what they're up to. I don't want things going far unless dad gets rid of mum, he can't keep cheating on her. I hope he ran off because he was feeling guilty, embarrassed that he'd just cheated on the mother of his child. Was my mum just a rebound until Sherlock came back, or was she just something to make him happy while he was sad. It made me angry, even though I wasn't on good terms with my mum lately, maybe she was getting worried if he did something like this. And he's gone and done it, I grabbed my phone and texted her.
H- I'm sorry mum, I want to stay here still, but I want you to know that I'm sorry
I wanted to add on the end, on mine and dads behalf, but I couldn't bring myself to tell her, I'd be telling on dad, ruining my relationship with him, and I didn't want that, because as much as I hate to admit and be mean to my mum, I enjoyed it much more here than at home. Although I'm being harsh, my mum is quite boring, she sits and reads books whenever she's off from work, and they're usually about being a therapist. I think I'd much prefer it that in an alternative universe, my mums a secret assassin or something, I don't know. All this was going around in my head until I fell asleep at around 5, face flat in my cereal bowl, that was actually filled with fresh cereal and milk, which was supplied by nan.

I woke up to my shoulder being shaken roughly, I turned my head and saw nan staring at me quizzically. She let out a sigh of relief when I stared at her with raised eyebrows.
MH- I thought you'd drowned in your cereal!
I laughed. I turned my head when I heard a creak of a door, Sherlock walked out ruffling his curls and yawning. He walked into the bathroom without even saying anything to us. The shower switched on and nan rolled her eyes at me.
MH- such annoying habits, but I"m not complaining, its nice to have his annoying habits back in my life
I nodded, dad decided to walk in the room at that moment, he scanned the room quickly and then saw me and nan.
J- your mum got your message last night, she wants to see you
I stared at him blankly, not hearing a word he'd just said, just the words cheat, cheat, cheat taking up my whole brain.
J- Hamish? Put some clothes on we're going
The water shut off and dad started to bounce on his tiptoes. I turned away and smirked. I was going to be as slow as possible getting changed, he deserved this. Nan said her goodbyes. I sauntered up the stairs, hearing Sherlock opening the bathroom door. Dad coughed awkwardly, I was laughing silently. I peeked my head around the door. Sherlock was stood there in a towel, they were both staring at each other.
J- I just came to get Hamish
S- okay
And then Sherlock was coming round the corner, it was too late, I didn't know what to do so I just pretended to walk down, I dramatically bumped into him.
H- oops, sorry
He shook his head and shut his bedroom door.
J- Hamish, I said to go and get ready!
H- calm down che-...
I stopped myself quickly.
J- what?
H- what, I didn't say anything?
He looked at me questioningly, but shook his head and gestured his hand towards the stairs.
H- I don't want to talk to mum, I told her everything that I wanted too
He shook his head.
J- whatever
He turned to walk out of the door.
H- you not helping us with the case today?
J- um... not today
H- how come?
J- I don't feel up to it, I might pop back over later when you get back
Somehow, I knew this wouldn't be true. I ran upstairs and quickly put on some clothes, running back down again, he was still here.
H- have you fell out with Sherlock?
He looked down for a second but didn't reply.
H- dad, if you need to sort something out, the best thing to do is talk to each other, ignoring each other isn't going to help anything
He chuckled.
J- you should be a therapist, following in your mums footsteps I see
The words cheat filled my head again, Sherlock walked out of his bedroom, fully clothed this time. He coughed awkwardly and turned back towards his door.
J- Sherlock, can I speak to you, for a second?
I shuffled uncomfortably, their stares holding each others, he nodded.
H- I'm going to leave you two to it, I'll go to the shop, get some bread... or something
I don't even think they'd heard what I'd said, they were too caught up in each others gaze.

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