Eber- Pronouncing Somali Letters

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Salaaaaam/ Hi, team!

For this new story, I decided to put in a chapter dedicated to pronouncing some of the letters you may read because there are some Somali phrases.

And this is new because there was only a little paragraph in the beginning of Nazım that taught you how to pronounce, like two letters. Anyone remember which ones?

But anyway, I've upgraded.


a- ah
e- eh
i- intuitive
o- *say this word in a British accent* obstinate
u- Arabic speakers or anyone who knows the Arabic word for love: it's the "u" sound in الحب. If you can't speak Arabic, then try to pronounce the long English 'u' in a Russian accent for a short period of time. I don't know.

aa- salaam.
ee- the e in beta [desis if you're out there that was for you] or imagine someone say the word "eight" in an Arab/ south Asian accent. Or the "ey" in "hey" but with less "y"
ii-the sound of a fan girl squealing. the "eee" in "wheeeeeee". say "impossible" in an exaggerated French accent-- if you do it right the last "I" will have more of an oomph.
oo-when you successfully burn/drag/diss someone and all your friends go "ohhhhh!!!". The o in çok [just drag out the o for a little longer]. When you pretend to understand what your teacher is saying so you just go "ohh".

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