Chapter 9

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Sebastian's POV

we finally got to the manor, I grabbed my master and his sister and I went into the manor,  and I setted Chloe on a chair in the Drawing Room

I walked to my master's room, got him ready for bed then placed him on the bed and placed a blanket on him, I went to the drawing room to go pick up Chloe but...... She wasn't there.

I chuckled and went out the room and made my way to the kitchen but I found Chloe on the floor, It looked like something or someone droped her, I just strugged it off and picked her up (wow bassy shrug it off why don't you XD)

As I picked her up I heard a weird sound like cooking pans are falling, I went to see what it was but instead I just took miss Chloe to her room and left

I heard it again then thats when I went to go check what it was, I opened the door and saw a little kitten

I smiled and picked it up and started to pet it, I turned the light off and made my way to my room and opened the door, entered and closed it, I went yo the closet then opened it and lots of cats came running out, Meowing, purring, and also hissing

I placed the little black kitty down and lied down on my bed to pass some time.

~~~~~~Sorry if Its Short I was running out of ideas and things... ::SPOILERS:: (Y/N) is coming

Byee my Little demons

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