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Here's another helping for you all. It's not long but it gets where it needs to be. Dick Wolf owns, enjoy.


As the ambulance sped off to the hospital, Fin was in the back with Olivia who was in and out of consciousness. She'd come to every couple minutes to look around, frightened at the EMT's and what was going on around her. Her blouse had been torn open and her tank top cut away to give access to the wound. She tried talking but with the oxygen mask on that she definitely needed and the pain exploding where she'd been shot, she found it next to impossible.

"Olivia, stay with me!" She heard Fin say. Why did he sound so far away? She looked over and could see him blurrily. He was holding her hand and saying something else to her that she couldn't make out. My baby! She thought. I can't lose my baby... She thought as tears came to her eyes and she cried them silently then pulled off her oxygen mask that the EMT's tried to put back on but she weakly fought them. She had to speak to Fin.

"Don't try to talk, save your stre-" Fin started as he tried helping to put the mask back on that she'd lowered but she swatted at it with what little bit of strength she had.

"B-baby h-hit, is...?" She said, breathing heavily.

"We don't know yet Liv, please..."

"Tell N-Nick Noah..." She cried out in terrible agony, and Fin was scared even more but tried hard not to show it.

"You'll tell em yourself baby girl, you're gonna be fine." He said with tears streaming from his eyes, just as they were hers as he held on to her hand for dear life.

"T-tell them..." She nearly blacked out due to the pain. "I love them." She said and suddenly she was unconscious, the monitors making a sound that Fin knew too well.

"Liv don't do this!" He shouted frantically.

"Move back sir." George said.

"No pulse" Hanna said as she quickly charged up the defibrillator. "Clear!" Quickly she shocked Olivia's heart with the paddles, her body jumping unnaturally and waited, only to be met by the same result.

"Come on Sergeant, I am not losing you!" She said before turning up the defibrillator and administering another shock.


They got to the hospital with just enough time. Liv was bad shape with the EMT's having had to shock her three times before her heart started again and she was unconscious and barely hanging on. Fin ran in with her, holding her hand and talking to her though she couldn't hear him but he had to tell her that she'd be alright. He had to tell her that Noah and Nick would see her again; that he'd see her again...

"Sir, we'll take it from here." A nurse said when they got to a final set of double doors. The team rushed Olivia through and Fin gripped the hand of the male nurse.

"Please; she's pregnant and she has a little boy at home...she's my best friend." He said looking tearfully into the nurse's eyes needing no further words.

"We'll do everything we can!" He promised and went back. Fin stepped back and took a deep breath, wiped his eyes before he took out his phone and dialed Nick.

You've reached Nick, leave a message and I'll get back to you!

Fin took another deep breath and spoke into the phone.

"Nick; it's 6:32...you probably know that... I need you to call me as soon as you get this...please... It's Fin." He hung up his phone, then dialed Lucy. He waited for a moment while her phone rang, three times before she picked up.


"Lucy, it's Fin..."

... ... ...

An hour went by and they heard nothing other than they were trying to stabilize Olivia before they took her into surgery. Amanda had gotten there and she and Fin sat, side by side amongst the other nine or ten detectives and unis who were there.

"You guys might as well head out, it could be some time before we get news." Amanda said to the group of them.

"We want to." Said one of the unis.

"Well then how about a coffee run?" Amanda said.

"I could do that, it'll feel better knowing I'm helping" he said and began taking orders just as Tucker walked in.

"Detectives" he greeted before continuing to approach Fin and dropped his voice. "How is she?" He asked as he and Fin stepped to the side.

"They're trying to stabilize her before they can go into surgery."

"What happened?"

"We were leavin for the day, and a guy approached, called Benson and I saw a gun. He aimed it at her, I shot him first...but the gun had gone off and..." He wiped his eyes. "Who was he?"

"Edward Morrow. Benson and Stabler arrested him eight years ago for rape, he got released a week ago..."

"And came for Liv... Son of a bitch!"

"Is there anything you need for her?" Tucker asked.

"I wish I hadn't killed that bastard so I could rip him apart." Fin said.

"I didn't hear that but I'll need your statement first thing tomorrow." Fin nodded his head as he looked toward those doors, he was scared and couldn't hide it. Tucker made his way out, stopping to address the unis.

"I assume you people have work to do!" He barked. The other officers quickly said their goodbyes and left, all except Fin and Amanda.

"Way to clear a place." Amanda said walking over to him. "Fin; she'll be alright" she said.

"You sayin that from knowin or outta hope?"

"Little bit of both...she'll pull through, she has Noah and that baby; she has to."

"We don't even know if there still is a baby."

"I like to think that god wouldn't be so cruel." Amanda said.

"From your lips..." He said.

"Since our unis got run off, I'm gonna go get us some coffee. You want anything else?"

"No, coffee is fine"

"Comin up!" She said and walked away. Fin looked at the doors again then at the clock. It had been a little over an hour since he called Nick and... His phone suddenly lit up when it began vibrating. He took it from his pocket to see that it was him.


"Liv's phone is going to voicemail and then I got your message, what...?" He asked sounding nervous.

"There's been an accident."

"Noah...is he..."

"Noah's fine... It's Liv"

"Liv? The baby?"

"I don't know... Nick, she was shot; and it's bad." There was a long pause during which on Nick's end he burst into tears. "Nick, you there?"

"Yeah. I'm on my way!" He said and he hung up.


More soon. In the meantime, how about a review?

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