Episode 2: The Host Club?

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Episode... START!

I ran toward my new school, hood only allowing a few hairs to trail behind. 

I was late. 

LATE!! Gah!

I had almost the same outfit on, but with a Immortal Rain t-shirt and blue shorts. I had my headphones today, hidden under my hood. I was listening to Survive the Night by MandoPony.

I sprinted through the gates, door, and halls, finally bursting into the class.

"Sorry I'm late, sensei." I said, suddenly impassive again. The teacher nodded and I went to my desk. I pulled my sketch pad out as the song changed to Kisaragi Attention. So I have a lot of Jubyphonic songs. Bite me.

I spent the whole day drawing again. One of the twins tried to take my picture, but stopped when I glared at him. I think... it was... Kaoru? IDK. Don't care, either. 

Finally the bell rang. I rushed out of the room, up the stairs, past Music Room 3, and to my room. I closed the door. Then I put my phone in the amp, went over to a cabinet above the sink, and got some paint. I walked over to an easel and began painting.

Rockbell came on.

I bobbed my head to the beat, creating long strokes with my brush.

~In Music Room 3~

Haruhi tilted her head to the side. 

"Anyone hear that music?" She questioned the other hosts. They listened and could hear the faint sounds of a whimsical song. "Where's it coming from?"

The Host Club got up, and followed the music. It changed suddenly to a more sinister tone. Rainbow Factory, though none of them knew it. They whole group found a pair of double doors with a sign that said "Tsubasa's Art/Music Room". Kaoru and Hikaru eased the door open, and the whole club gaped at the cold girl who was dancing around and painting.

~Back To Tenshi...~

"How you ask? Are they up to the task? To which the answer is in a single facility~!" I sang, moving my head side to side. The violin part came on and I pretended to play it. "At the Rainbow Factory! Where your fears and horrors come true! At the Rainbow Factory! Where not a single soul gets through!!"

I heard whispering.

"That song's scary, Takashi!" A childish voice complained. I froze and got a tic mark on my head. I turned slowly, glaring at the group I had met yesterday. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I roared. The twins, the blonde guy and the kid hid behind Glasses, Haruhi and Brick Wall.

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