Episode 1: A New Beginning

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Episode... START!!

I sent a chilling glare to one of the whispering boys. He immediately shut up, looking shocked. Did they think I couldn't hear them? 

I was waiting in the hallways for the bell to ring, so I could get to class and have the day end. Where was I? I was in the poisonous pink hallways of Ouran Academy. I was gathering stares because of my 'strange' attire.

See, I wasn't wearing the uniform. I was wearing my pink cat hoodie over a Doctor Who t-shirt, some black shorts and combat boots. The headmaster had told me to wear the uniform, but I refused point-blank. He had eventually given in, and here I was, waiting in the hallway, FNAF knapsack slung over my head and hanging at my side, earbuds blasting music into my ears.

Why all the merch? Well, Doctor Who is just awesome. No explanation needed. And I had gotten into FNAF music, even though I'd never played the games. 

Finally, I heard the bell over Yodobashi Deceive. I walked over to my class, ripping out my earbuds. Usually I'd use headphones, but I wanted to inconspicuous. 

I stood by the teacher's desk as everyone sat down. Our teacher stood up.

"Everyone, this is Tsubasa Tenshi-san. She's our new student. Please make her feel welcome." The teacher introduced. I heard someone snicker. I turned my head to stare at the boy.

"Angel Wings? What's her middle name, Angela?" He snickered. He was ginger, had green-yellow eyes, and an air of mischief around him. And one in a pair of twins, because a boy identical to him nudged him. He stopped laughing and met my gaze.

"Tsubasa-san?" The teacher asked. "Would you like to say something to the class?"

I broke the staring contest and made eye contact with everyone in the room.

"I don't like it when people talk about me behind my back." I said coldly. The teacher chuckled nervously and showed me my seat, right behind the first ginger. It was obvious the desk had just been moved there, as it was the only one on that 'row'. I sat down and brought out my sketch pad. A brown haired girl, dressed as a boy turned to me.

"Hi." She whispered. "I'm Fujioka Haruhi. It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too, Fujioka-san." I replied, smiling slightly. She grinned and turned back around. I spent the next--what, 7 hours?-- drawing. It was a picture of a girl, standing on a hill, leaning on a sword as a ray of sunlight shone on her. The hardest part was the background. It was streaked with soot and fire. I used most of my orange and red pencils. Every once in a while, various teachers would ask me questions to make sure I was paying attention.

I answered correctly. I had my earbuds in.

The end-of-day bell rang, and everyone rushed out of the classroom. I slowly packed my stuff, humming along.

"Tragedy ridden, never fit in, and dead now.
Would life gone so quickly would it knock at the door?
Fidgeting itty bitty master watches 'Oh what an ugly tale.'

Sprawling and crawling down the body and throat
Melting away the decaying and beaten down heart
Drink in and sink in every bit of your life
I'm hungry for your eyes

Hey, it's all that you had wanted and more
And then you stared a scary glare into my core

A bleeding tragic heart before me and I'm starving

You're in the belly of the beast
Love and your ego rest in peace
And the "weird" little you, will soon then be born anew
Just a monster by now I am loving it I cant deny but

Crying to god you scream out "Why?"
"Stop this already" you just whine
Will you suck it up now? This fate cannot be unwound

Succeeding, succeeding, succeeding, boss-to-be, can't wait to meet

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