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Name: Tenshi Tsubasa 

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Gray/muted blue

Likes: Cake, birds, silence, her cat hoodie, flying, sour things, singing, Haruhi (in a friend/sister way)

Dislikes: Abuse, crying, people talking about her behind her back, lies, overbearing people, people who 'care too much', people who touch her hoodie, people touching her back

Background: Not much known. Family died from mysterious circumstances. 

Other: Doesn't talk unless she's forced (like someone starting a conversation). LOVES her pink cat hoodie. Good in martial arts. Good at singing. Refuses to wear uniform. Got in on a music/art scholarship. 

The Broken AngelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ