9/ Birthday suprises

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Dedicated to @booierose :) thanks for voting and yeah haha :) xx

Enjoy chapter 9: Birthday Surpises~

Perrie Pov

I stared down at my suitcases as I waiting for my plane to be called. Gosh I was nervous! I'm basically sneaking out of the country and the only people who know are the girls and the boys except Zayn. My mam doesn't know either. She thinks I'm staying at Jades place.

Since I know nothing about California the girls called Louis, Harry, Niall and Liam to pick me up when I arrive there.

I grabbed my phone and texted Zayn happy birthday since I haven't told him yet.

Me<3: happy birthday boo ! Gosh your older then me now lol ! I love you so much and I hope 5 months will pass by quick !! xx

5 months is now more like 5 hours.

"Flight to California is now boarding."I heard through the speaker and got up.

This is it.

Zayn POV

Me and the boys were in the studio when my phone buzzed. I smiled when I saw it was Perrie.

Perrie<3: happy birthday boo! Gosh your older then me now lol! I love you so much and I hope 5 months will pass by quick! xx

Me: thanks love, you honestly made my day !! Don't worry it'll pass by quick! I love you too and I'll call you later xx

I sent it and looked at the boys except Liam since he was in the booth to record his part of this song we began making.

"That was Perrie."I said and the boys looked at me. "She wished me 'happy birthday' and I just miss her so much."I continued and laid my head down on the couch. Louis pat my shoulder and I sighed.

Knowing that I probably couldn't see her for another 5 months made me upset.

"Alright I'm done. Zayn your up next."Liam said coming out. I nodded then got up making my way over.

"Boys I'm going to Mc Donald's what do you all want?"Louis asked everyone.

"I'll just go with you."Niall said and the rest of the boys followed Louis. Great there all leaving me now! What an amazing birthday. Note the sarcasm.

Perrie POV

So here I am in California and I feel lost. I found all my bags and stuff but every time I try to call the guys it goes straight to voicemail. Please don't tell me they forgot about me!

I looked at the time and it way noon. I made my way over to a chair and sat with all my bags. These boys better come they can't ruin this!

"Aye Perrie!"I turned and saw Niall heading towards me with a smile. I got up and hugged all of them. Thank the lord they came.

"Thank you guys so much for agreeing!"I said and they all nodded.

"Need help?"Harry asked when he saw 2 of my suitcases. I nodded and he took one and Liam took one. When we went outside I saw a couple people taking pictures of us which got me scared.

"Just look down."Niall said and grabbed my hand leading me to the car. We got in and I sighed and took my phone out.

"Those paparazzi have been following us ever since our first interview!"Harry groaned and I laughed. They better get use to that.

The boys said I would have to surprise Zayn at the studio since he's there. We made it there and got in. Once we walked closer to the room I started to get nervous and excited at the same time.

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