2/Not your proper first date

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Chapter dedicated to zerrie_larry thank you for adding my book to your reading list!

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Chapter 2: Not your proper first date



I was shocked for a moment but then instantly kissed back. Wow just the way his lips felt on mine was amazing. Our lips moved in perfect sync.

"What is this!"We quickly separated and saw the principle standing there looking around shocked. Isn't it obvious we were kissing-oh wait, he's talking about the room. For a moment I forgot about that. He walked around the messy room. There was paint splatters everywhere! The floor, the door and obviously the wall.

"Office. Now!"He angrily said then began to walk out of the room. I felt Zayn nudge my side to get my attention. At that moment he flicked paint onto the back of the principals shirt making me let out a silent giggle so that the principle wouldn't hear me.

We walked into his office and sat in the couch in front of his desk. The principle looked back and forth between me and Zayn. He sighed then rested his head between his hands.

"I don't even know how to punish you both! Detention for the rest of the week. Neither of you are painting that room again. I'm calling your parents to come pick you up."He said then left the office. Shit. Now I'm going to get in even more trouble. When Mum gets calls from school she hates it.

"Don't get scared."Zayn said and moved a bit closer to me. He slowly put his arm around me but I didn't mind.

"It's not like he expelled us or anything."Zayn said and I sighed.

"I'm just in so much trouble with my mum right now and this is gonna make her even angrier."I said and leaned into his chest which was kinda weird but whatever. The girls said it was obvious that we both liked each other so why not.

"So I have a question."He said and I looked up to him.

"And I might have an answer."I said with a giggle. He smirked then looked a bit nervous.

"Will you go out with me?"My eyes widened as he said that. Me? He is asking me right? There's no other person in this room is there? It took me a while to reply until he beat me to it.

"I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to like I kn-"

"Yes I'll date you."I said cutting him off and he smiled then leaned into kiss me. Okay so far I love this school. I met 3 amazing girls and now I have a boyfriend! Wow it's just crazy.

"Wait give me your phone."I said. He looked confused but still gave it to me. I quickly typed my number in then I handed him mine so he can type his number in.

After a few minutes of talking the principle came in saying that our parents were here. We both walked over and I saw my mum and someone yelling at each other.

"I hate you Debbie! You were never a good friend."The other person said to my mum making me go wide eyed. Woah, woah, woah, what is going on here? Did I miss something?

"Is that your mum?"I whispered over to Zayn. He nodded and I looked back at them. They kept saying bad things to each other until the principle cleared his throat which gained their attention.

"Perrie, lets go!"Mum said pulling my arm outside to the car. She slammed her door making me flinch a bit. Why was she screaming at Zayn's Mum? Weren't they friends something? I mean like isn't that how me and Zayn met when we were younger?

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