5/ just aplogize

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Perrie pov

This was the last day of relaxation until my mam comes home tomorrow. It was Saturday so I decided to make some breakfast for me and Caitlin. She's horrible at cooking and would probably burn the place down so that's why I'm making the breakfast.

"Chocolate chips or no?"I asked her and she nodded her head. "Definitely the chocolate chips!"she said and I nodded. The chocolate chips were on the top shelf so I had to get a chair to reach them. I still wasn't tall enough so I had to stand on the counter.

"You go it there babe?"I lost my balance and felt myself fall into someone's arms.

"Zayn! Who the hell let you in?"I said breathing heavy. He honestly scared me. He chuckled and looked a me.

"You sister."he chuckled I was still in his arms and he quickly put me down.

"You scared the shit out of me."I said and he chuckled. "I could tell, you fell."he laughed and I tried to give him an evil glare but it ended with me just laughing. I went back over to the stove and flipped a couple pancakes.

"You hungry?"I asked and Zayn nodded. I gave him a pancake then Caitlin came in with her phone on her ear.

"Tonight? Yeah sure! Me and Perrie? Okay see you later! Bye, love you too."Caitlin said and laughed. She looked at me and smiled. "That was dad! He's picking us up later!"Caitlin said and I dropped my fork on my plate which made they nasty notice.

"W-What did mam say about this?"I asked and she laughed. "Nothing because she doesn't know."Caitlin said and I shook my head. Caitlin doesn't know about the abusing because she or Jonnie weren't the ones being abused. They both just that they weren't working out but no.

"I can't. I don't want to go."I said and picked up my fork again.

"Come on! Don't be such a loser! He said were going to see Jonnie!"Caitlin said. Jonnie? He stayed with my dad ever since the divorce. I haven't seen him in awhile.

"Also he says we're gonna meet his girlfriend. Pregnant girlfriend to be exact."she said and I laughed still shaking my head. Never will I ever step foot in his house!

"Like he can take care of another kid. Anyways me and Zayn have a date tonight."I said and Zayn looked at me confused.

"Sure you do! Please Perrie just this once! You know how much I miss him."she whined and I rolled my eyes. Of course she would miss him. She was always his favorite.

"No. You can go yourself."I snapped then we all ate in silence.


"I think you should go. And maybe apologize to him." Zayn said as we lay in my room. I turned my body to face him and shook my head.

"I think I shouldn't. He deserved what I said to him."I said and let out a sigh. He deserved every little word.

"What happened anyways? Me and my dad were always and still are close when my parents divorced."He whispered and I rolled my eyes.

"This is different."I said and closed my eyes. I bet his dad didn't abuse him.

"How different?"I groaned into his chest and looked up at him.

"Very different now can we just drop the subject please!"I snapped. He unwrapped his arms around me and got up leaving me clueless. I saw him pull his jacket and shoes on.

"Where are you going?"I asked and he didn't look at me once.


"Why so early?"

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