"Nothing," he answers. "I just think it's funny how you're so skinny, but eat like this."

"Well excuse me if I eat like this, I just walked for 3 hours trying to make it back here before dark."

He suddenly leans forward, looking more serious. "How did your trip go?" he asks. "And no lies this time."

I groan as I put the now empty bowl down. "It was fine, you know a little stumble here and there." I say cautiously, choosing my words carefully.

"A little stumble meaning you got caught?" He says reading straight through my lies.

"Maybe." I grumble.

"Kira! I thought I told you last time to be careful! Don't be so reckless!" He scolds.

"Look I'm sorry! It's not my fault they were there at the wrong goddamned moment!"

"It doesn't matter where they were. Point is, you got caught. And we both know how they are with us Kira." He answers staring at me with anger in his eyes. "I don't want you to end up like your parents."

When he says that I jump up and walk over to him. Grabbing the dagger from my belt, I point it at his throat. "Do not talk about them." I growl. Anger boils inside me.

"Kira put the dagger down." Xavier orders. This isn't the first time I've threatened him, but he always seems to know the exact thing to say to calm me down.  "You know you not only lost your parents that night. I lost my best friends."

At that, my anger subsides slightly. Glaring at him, I lower my dagger.  "What happened to them shouldn't ever happen to anyone. Ever. That's why I have to keep going there. To let them know I'm still alive. Alive and living."

"Kira don't be so selfish! You have to think about what's best for-" He's cut off by a ear splitting scream. We both jump up, and with dread I realize that it's Leo.

"Leo..." I mumble, sprinting towards the lake. Anger is running through me again, and it shows by the dust flying around me.

If you even dare to lay a finger on him, I swear to god...

We make it to the lake, and what I see makes my heart stop. Leo has a gun to his head by a Elxi. The Elxi looks young, maybe 25, a few years older than me. Leo's shaking with fear, his dark green eyes pleading for safety.

"One move and he dies." The Elxi says, his voice shaking slightly. His face looks like a mixture of pride, fear and anger. It's a mask, he's hiding his real emotions. I know because it's what I see every time I look into the mirror.

"You really shouldn't have come here." I growl, slowly raising my arms out in front of me.

He shoves the gun into Leo's temple. "Stop!" He barks at me. "One wrong move and he dies!"

Oh boy, If looks could kill your sorry ass would be dead by now.

"Let him go." Xavier says next to me. I notice his foot gently tapping the ground, sending ripples of power towards the Elxi. The ground shakes slightly, and the Elxi's trembling becomes a little bit more clear. "Are you alone?"

"Why would I answer that?"

"Because if you don't, I'll send the whole town after you." Xavier says in a dangerously low voice.

"I'm alone." The Elxi growls.

"Ok. Good, now give him to me. Now. " Xavier says cautiously, as if approaching a wild animal.

"Or what?" The Elxi shouts, daring us to attack.

"Listen here Elxi." I say, poison dripping with every word. "Every second longer you have him, the more I hate you. Every second gives me a chance to prepare myself. Every second should be a second you are running back home. So do the wise thing and give me Leo back. Or else," I grab the dagger from my belt and twirl it carelessly between my fingers. "Or else, this goes in between your eyes."

The Elxi seems to be considering his options. It's amazing how these idiots work. There's one good answer and one bad, and they still need to think through everything rationally; I can almost see the gears in his brain working.

Suddenly, he shoves Leo forward, and it feels like everything is in slow motion. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Xavier stepping down hard, making the Earth tremble underneath the Elxi. He falls, but shoots somewhere ahead. I drop my dagger as I grab Leo, but then I feel it. The shooting pain in my shoulder. I scream and blood pours out of the wound. Clutching my shoulder, I sink to the ground. With one quick swift, Xavier has the Elxi tied up in ropes made from the vines. He rushes to my side as he orders a bystander to call the medic.

"Hold in there Kira." He whispers.


I wake up to the familiar feel of water on my shoulder. The medic busies herself at the counter on my left, probably looking for some herbs.

"Aah! Good your up!" She comes over and pulls a small stool over. "My name is Bea, and Im your medic for now... Oh wait, right I know you Kira! Reckless behavior! But besides that, you're lucky that bullet hit there and not any closer. Turns out the damn thing was poisoned! Would've no doubt killed the small boy in seconds."

I shiver just thinking about that. "W-Where is he?" My voice sounds hoarse and my throat burns with each word.

"Outside the tent, let me go get him." She smiles at me and hands me a cup. "Drink it. It will help you." Once she leaves, I take a small sip from the cup. The liquid is cool, and it calms my burning throat. I imagine it going throughout my body, cooling and calming it.

"Kiwa!" A small voice screams. I smile as Leo bursts into the tent and jumps on me, crushing me in a hug.

Pain spikes up my shoulder, but right now I don't care. I run a hand over his short curly brown hair. He's safe, I tell myself.

"I was so worried Kiwa!" He sobs into my shirt.

"I know. I'm sorry Leo." He looks up at me, his green eyes glassy with tears.

"Never leave me ok? Don't leave me like mama and papa left me. Promise me. Promise you won't leave me."

Leo is one of the only people that can make me weak, make me want to cry. I haven't cried in a long time, I've learned to keep my emotions guarded. Keep it safe. Keep them away from people. "Showing emotion is weakness, Kira." My dad used to say. I usually don't show what I feel except for smirks and grins, but Leo, Leo breaks my heart. This poor three year old lost his whole family before the Camp Scouters found him alone in the desert.

"I promise Leo. I'll never leave you." I say firmly.

"Good." He says, snuggling into my side.

I continue to run my hand over his hair as we both fall asleep, his small arms wrapped around my torso, my arms around his tiny body.

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