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"So, he just left?" Divya asked anxiously.
Tanishka looked away, as Mrs. Grewal came in.
"Girls! Get ready quickly. You'll have to be out in 20 minutes." She said tenderly and walked out.

Tanishka got up to get changed up. Divya dragged her back and started shrieking.

"You're not going anywhere until to finish this!"
"Didn't you hear what my mother-in-law just said?" Tanishka got a bit irritated.

"She can't be your mother-in-law! Mrs. Mehta is your mother-in-law Tani."
Tanishka took a small pause, turned around and sat with her legs folded. She had a tiny tear drop running over her cheek.

Divya held her hand tight, and asked her again,
"What happened to him Tani?"


Weeks passed, and still nothing from Kabir. Tanishka had started losing hope.

At a moment, she even thought of flying to London. But she couldn't do it alone.

"Forget him Tanishka! You certainly deserve more." Nikita tried to cheer Tanishka's mood, but that wasn't gonna be easy.

"Nikita! It's not easy to forget someone who's given so much to remember!" Tanishka said while walking down the road. They stopped at Starbucks café, and went in.
Karan and Ayushi were at the neighboring table. They greeted each other, and Tanishka was eager to know about Kabir. Surely, Karan must be knowing!

"Karan... where has Kabir shifted exactly?" Tanishka asked Karan captivatingly.

Karan kept his coffee aside, looked at Ayushi first but quickly turned towards Tanishka.
"He's uh... he's moved to London!"

"And, how's his life in London going on?" Tanishka was too impatient to know about Kabir.
Karan took a gap, and replied,
"It's been good... so far!"

Tanishka looked away, still faking her smile. She looked down, stirring her coffee.

"Any plans of... moving back?" She asked softly. Her voice cracked in the middle, and eyes filled with tears.

Karan replied faintly with a "No".
Tanishka almost broke down, and just then Ayushi stood up.

"I'm sorry Karan! I can't do it anymore." She said and sat on the chair alongside Tanishka. Karan got up too.

Ayushi looked up to Karan, as he nodded slightly.
"Kabir... hasn't gone to London." Ayushi said and placed her hand on Tanishka's shoulder.

"What??" Nikita got a little furious.
Tanishka was shocked, of course, she waited for Ayushi to continue.

"Also, he had no dance competition. He was here... on your birthday." Ayushi couldn't say further. She started weeping, as Tanishka endurance was crushed.

"Karan? What happened to him?"
Karan couldn't reply either, but he felt someone has to say the truth. He took a deep breath, and tried to speak.

"Kabir had planned a surprise... for your birthday. But, while coming... he had a terrible accident..."

Tanishka wanted to say something, but words wouldn't come out of her mouth.
"...He died on the spot, and his body was unrecognizable... I'm so sorry Tanishka!" Karan stopped and gave her a hug.


Tanishka was crying, Divya had tears in her eyes. Mrs. Ahuja came in again and saw these girls crying.

"Oh look at this! My girls! Don't cry Divya... she'll be in the same city! Right Tani?" She walked up to them, and have them both a hug.

"Mom, I don't wanna come down! I'm not feeling good." Tanishka said weakly.

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