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"Hurry up," Yelled Nikita, "the taxi will be here any minute!"
"Coming!" Replied Tanishka; setting up her hair together and dressed up in a charming black coloured evening gown, ready for her college farewell party.

The girls rushed out of the house, with the taxi waiting at the doorstep. Nikita's parents were still clicking pictures of these two until they left the house. On the way, they picked their third 'musketeer' Ayushi.

These three had been friends since school days; and even in college, they were really close. Nikita was the sex-bomb of the group, Ayushi being the tomboy kind, while Tanishka had always been the 'beauty with brains' sort of girl.

They reached their college auditorium a little late than the actual time given. The party had already begun. Several students, teachers and other college members had gathered. Guys dressed up in graceful blazers or suits, while girls in evening robes.
The decoration was done with lots of balloons, ribbons and other such stuff. There was a huge board stating 'Farewell 2011' at the so-called-stage which was just a miniature platform.

The girls entered in, and had their eyes surprised to see this beautiful arrangement! They greeted their friends, and had some chit-chat.

"Hey Ayushi, where's your *stud* boyfriend?" Asked on of their friend grippingly.
" Yeah where is he? You gave him 3 passes for the farewell right?" Added another.

Ayushi looked around for a while, and replied "I gave him 3 passes, because he didn't wanna be the only outsider here."
She took a pause, and went looking for him.

"What was his name again?" Tanishka turned towards Nikita with a baffled face.
"I think it was Karan or something."
"And what does he need extra passes for? He'll get his cheap irritating friends!" Tanishka was annoyed, she didn't like Karan's friends much.

"Ayushi said he doesn't want to be the only outsider here..."
"...And who's even telling you to go after those guys? We'll have our own fun!" Ayushi interrupted. "Let's go meet our teachers!"

Karan then entered in with another friend of his - Arjun. Tanishka was surprised to see only one guy with Karan.
"Ayushi? You sure you gave him 3 passes?"
'Tani now stop it please! His friends are not so bad!" Replied Nikita and followed Ayushi to meet Karan. Tanishka lingered around for a bit, but went after her friends eventually.

They just started a formal conversation, when the loud music started banging their ears. An EDM hit was being played, and some students couldn't control their feet from tapping. They started moving up on the dance floor.
Tanishka and others chose a table and comforted themselves. Even some of the teachers were pulled up to dance.
Lots of cheer, whistles and howling when their college headmaster came on to shake a leg!

Everything then went dead silent, except for the music. All eyes stuck upon this fair, tall guy, medium length messy hair; wearing a black blazer over a white t-shirt and blue faded jeans, dancing pure Indian Bollywood steps on that EDM song. He was actually mixing up Bollywood with some other Techno and Hip-Hop style which attracted everyone's eyes, and kept them astonished!
When he finished, there was the loudest cheer and noise for him. Of course the students didn't recognize him; and nor did the teachers.

Karan got up from his chair and walked up to him, "What on earth was that?"
"I couldn't resist! My feet couldn't resist."
" Yes! It was truly awesome!"
Karan then dragged Kabir to the table where they were seated.

"People! This is Kabir, my cousin brother..." He said and turned towards Ayushi and continued, "...And this is Ayushi I told you about, and her friends!"

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