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In a while, the families reached Goa. Samar rushed out quickly to check the arrangements.

“Samar! He won’t even sit back at his own wedding!”
“That’s the reason why he’s doing it all by himself. Says ‘its my wedding, so I should be doing all the work.’”

Some relatives of Samar having a chat, as Tanishka crossed them.
There were busses arranged for transportation. Music, dance, fun and games had already begun.

Tanishka was happy; she had that smile intact. Divya was confused; she was trying to smile, but ended up scratching her head.

A romantic song was played in the bus; Samar got up and insisted Tanishka to get up as well. He gently held her hand and started the steps.
Tanishka placed her hand on his shoulder. She closed her eyes, but it reminded her of Kabir – the first time the met.
The loud cheer and applaud from the family members in the bus brought Tanishka back to reality.
Samar kissed her gently on her forehead at the end of the dance, and escorted her back to her seat.

The location for the wedding was enormously beautiful. The resort had factually everything.
From gaming zones to restaurants, bars and swimming pools, computer rooms and much more.

Tanishka and Divya had a separate room for them. As soon as they entered in,
“Does your love story have an ending?” Divya started shrieking.

“What?” Tanishka had a baffled expression as Divya continued,
“What happened to Kabir? Why are you with Samar? I need answers Tani!”

“We have to get ready in an hour Divya! The bride herself can’t be late.”

Divya just stood there, smiling and waiting for Tanishka to realize that she cannot argue and win here.
Tanishka looked down, shook her head and said, “Okay fine! You win…”


Tanishka couldn’t get her eyes off that ring. Every time she has a glance at it, the whole proposal stuff dashes in her head.

Her parents returned back from New Delhi, and Tanishka still hadn’t figured a way of telling them.
One midnight, around 2 am, she called Kabir.

“Kabirr!!! You remember when my birthday is, right?” Tanishka sounded energetic, excited and in high spirits.
“Tani, you remember I sleep at nights?”

He replied and a faint and drowsy voice.
“Answer my question Kabir!”
There was no reply from his side;

Tanishka asked again,
She hung up the phone, and dropped a text.

Next evening when they met, Kabir took her out for coffee.
“I have news for you!” He said, and grabbed her hand.

“What is it?” She asked.
“I have a dance competition! Malaysia!”
Tanishka was overjoyed to hear that.
“That’s great Kabir! When is it?” She asked impatiently.

“Next month!” He replied.
Tanishka became quiet,
“Is it… around 14?” She asked.
Kabir didn’t reply, he just nodded.

Tanishka made a whining face.
“Why Kabir! Why? I had a party planned!”
“Baby, if I lose early, then I’ll be back before your birthday!” He said and kissed her hand.

“No but I want you to win!”
“I can try for that, but you don’t cancel your party please!” He had eye contact throughout, until Tanishka blew a kiss for him.

“Okay fine!” She replied, and had her coffee.

After sometime, they went back home. Tanishka was upset obviously. She wanted Kabir to be there.

She had planned of introducing him to her parents on her birthday. But now that was off the hook. She continued her party planning though. In case Kabir loses early, he’ll be back.

So, it was the 13th and Kabir wasn’t back yet. Tanishka figured out that he must’ve gone far in the tournament.

She eagerly waited for 12 am, and Kabir’s call. There it rang,
“Happyyyy Birthdayy!!!” It was Nikita,
“Thank you so much Nikki! I’m sorry, but I’ll call you back later.” She said and quickly hung up the phone.

She ignored all other calls and messages, and just waited for Kabir’s call; or even a text message.

Finally, she went off to sleep at around 4. Still nothing from Kabir.

Even the next day, everyone she knew had wished her. With a saddened mind, she set off to her own birthday celebration.
She greeted everyone calmly, but was missing Kabir a lot.
Even Karan and Ayushi were present there.
It was a wonderful party. All the invitees had a great time. Tanishka still waited for Kabir. She then thought, that it’s a big tournament, he must be busy.

So, she just waited for him to come back. He was going to return on the 15th. She called him, but his cell phone was switched off.
Last seen on whatsapp was a week ago; wasn’t online on facebook or any other social networking site either. After waiting for almost a week, Tanishka decided to go to his house.

On reaching, a servant escorted her to the living area, and went in to call Mrs. Mehta.
She took a while in coming out, but she did eventually.

Tanishka fervently wanted to ask about Kabir, but she started with a formal conversation.

“Hello aunty! How are you?”
“Good. And you?” She replied politely.
“I’m good… And where’s Kabir?” She asked and looked away.
‘Why? What was the hurry?’ she yelled at herself in her head.

Mrs. Mehta looked at Tanishka, took a deep breath and answered,
“Kabir… has shifted back to London. His dad’s business had some issues!”

Tanishka waited for her to continue; but when she didn’t, she asked
“When will he come back?”

Mrs. Mehta just shook her head, as a No.
Tanishka’s eagerness and excitement to meet Kabir had vanished within a second.

“He asked me, to tell you not to wait for him!” These words by Mrs. Mehta brought up a miniature heart break for Tanishka.

“But why? Suddenly?”
“He won’t be returning anytime soon!”
Tanishka placed her hand over her face, as in disbelief. She had tears bursting out of her eyes. Mrs. Mehta went to give her a hug.

“I’m really sorry Tanishka. But, get over him and move on!”
She had never ever seen this coming; not even in her worst nightmares.

Somehow she reached back home, threw away that ring and started deleting everything related to Kabir. The pictures taken together, messages, call records, just everything!

But deep deep inside, she believed its one his old practical joke. He’s just fooling around and he’ll bounce back saying,
'I was just kidding!'
She had nothing to do, but wait!

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