Chapter 6 - Edited

Start from the beginning

"I just..." She paused. "I need water, and, just give me a few minutes to recover. I will be fine."

"Miss Woodward, the medics are in the living room please let me take you there. Amra needs to stay here. Come, let me help you stand."

Very reluctantly she stood up with the help of the both of them, with an arm on Pronab's shoulder, she walked to the living room. Out there she found a doctor with a nurse, both walked fast to assist Pronab and they sat her on the sofa. Checking her pulse and her blood pressure. After a few more minutes she told them she used to have these attacks years ago and they always came with no reason. The doctor wrote down some indications and then set an appointment to check her at his clinic. He said she needed some rest but she was in good condition, he advised her to be careful until they could have some tests done on her to find out more. Doctor and nurse left and Pronab walked them out, when he got back he was looking worried at her. She smiled and shook her head softly.

"I am going to be ok, trust me, I have been there before."

"You should get tested and try to be more careful, it's just weird that doctors never found out why you had them before, let's hope they do now."

"I never worried since I never had them again, until now... I will go to the clinic and get everything done in order, don't worry."

"That's ok. By the way, your friend is back at her hotel, I took care of it."

"What? Vanessa? I said I was going to pick her up."

"It's pass 4 in the afternoon now, I got here at 2:30 like Elaine asked me to."

"That can't be right, it can't be... I am losing my mind."

Pronab looked nervously at her. Caliope shook her head and tried to understand what was happening, she had been there no more than half hour when she had her panic attack, had she passed out at some point? Did Amra hold her all that time? She couldn't understand how she was losing track of time so much lately.

"I think you should go rest now, my driver will take you to your friend's hotel and after that you need rest, I will talk to Elaine and you can take tomorrow off."

"I can't... I was supposed to finish my work tomorrow."

"I insist, don't worry, take a day, and then return more relaxed."

She started to think she might need that day off more than she wanted. Spend it with her friend who had been hurt and hospitalized. She should sleep more, and slow down. She nodded to Pronab and stood up.

"Thank you... I will just say goodbye to Amra and go."

"Don't worry I will tell him you left to rest, he knows you are ok now."

"Ok... I will go then. Thank you."

"My pleasure, please get some rest and we will see you here in two days."

She picked up her bag and went down the elevator. At the entrance there was a guy who was expecting her, informing her that he was the driver of Mister Pronab, and he would take her to the desired destination.

She arrived at the hotel and dismissed the driver, calling on the reception for her friend. Once she came down and held her in a tight hug she smiled at her then got a bit more worried.

"How have you been? You look pale honey, I thought you forgot about me again, but nice touch to send me a limo driver and all, I felt like a star!"

"I am so sorry I missed picking you up, but glad you returned in style."

They went to have a coffee at the hotel's restaurant and there Caliope told her friend about how she had been feeling odd lately, her lapses of missed time and how she had a panic attack today, like she used to years before. Vanessa expressed her concern and agreed it was an excellent idea for her to take a day off. She even arranged a day in Central Park for them to enjoy a picnic, fresh air, relaxation and no worries to help her recover. Caliope agreed it was perhaps what she needed, and maybe all the past events, were only signs to prevent her from this panic attack, in which case she should be more than glad that it was all going to stop now.

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