"Sorry I have to leave," He stormed out of the bar, leaving Sherri topless and overall dumbfounded.


Alannah awoke from unconsciousness tied to a plastic chair. Her vision was blurry and mind groggy. Then everything focused when she heard something shatter on the floor. Sam's cell phone.

That's when she recalled what had happened. Sam and Alannah had placed their car into one of the spaces, and as they advanced towards the building the girl realized she had left her pocket-knife in the vehicle. She left to retrieve it and in the process a man snuck up on Sam. He was extremely agile and actually knocked him after intense combat. Of course, Alannah saw none of this, and smuggled the petite dagger into the back of her jeans. Then the girl walked to where she had last seen the younger brother.

Almost instantly, the man clobbered her over the head with a gun and she collapsed.

Now the Crocotta had a blade pressed firmly to Sam's neck. Apparently he had sent a text to Dean for help and smashed his phone on the ground before the monster could cover his plea.

"You know what's going to happen Sam? Your brother is going to get here, and I'm going to slice his body until he passes out from shock. Then," It cleared it's throat, "I'll kill him and repeat the process with your girl over there. Now how does that sound?"

The Winchester was seething, his breaths coming in and out sharply. Even at the thought of losing both of them brought affliction to his heart.

Alannah was trying to weave her fingers to reach the switchblade. Straining herself to wrap her hand around it, she finally reacquired it until it slipped from her grip onto the concrete floor with a clang.

Immediately the beast whirled around and snatched the weapon. Soon it was her turn to receive the presages of torture. Though she wasn't fully opposed to death now. Her perfect existence had been ripped to pieces when Dean had called everything off. Now that she pondered on it, cutting the cord didn't seem so formidable.

"You thought you'd get out easy, huh sweetheart? A pig-stick like this isn't going to get you out of these ropes fast enough."

His rough calloused grasp scraped along her thigh. Biting down on her lip hard to keep from puking, she watched him graze his touch along her legs.

"Get off of me you filth," she sternly commanded, mustering up all the courage she attained.

Goosebumps of disgust arose along her physique and suddenly the motions were stopped and replaced with sharp frigid metal against her skin. Dean was here.

"Say a word and she's dead," the creature threatened Sam.

The pointed edge of the knife poked at her neck and was extremely uncomfortable. Although if she made any movements her life would end.

She struggled to stay still, the apprehension of what was to come ate away at her like a lion to a chunk of meat. Sam kept sending her glances of caution, making sure she was alright.

They all sat in a trepidation infused silence until the doors creaked open. Alannah winced and shrieked for a split second; the Crocotta had nicked her skin. The girl apprehended the trail of blood trickling down her chest and shifted slightly. Then she realized the captor disappeared.

Dean appeared at the entrance with wide eyes filled with anger and fear, "Are you two alright?"

"Dean look out!" Alannah yelled as the monster emerged behind him.

The older brother whipped around and tried to stab it in the back of its neck, that was its vulnerable spot. He missed into the air, but was instantly up on his feet. Lithely, the Crocotta lunged towards Dean and punched him in the gut. Stumbling backwards, he held the blade in front of himself.

What Happened to Goodbye?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora