Chapter XI

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We flew in the night sky and found the ship. I switched to dragon vision and looked for the cell room. There was only one being in the lower deck where the cell block was held within the ship that I picked up. It was sobbing softly, and chains rattled along with its movement.

“There!” I said to Vanilor. “Drop us off there and I'll contact you when we have her.”

“I'll be waiting.” he said.

            I sensed that Javion and his two lackeys were asleep like captains in their own rooms. It would be too easy to sneak in and steal Ashley from right under his noses. Vanilor flew near the top of the stern to the ship and we got off. He flew far away quickly, for he feared his wing beats would alert someone to our presence. The ship was filled with minions and men in black armor. There were too many for us to sneak by.

“Somnum.” I whispered.

            The men fell, sound asleep, and we went across the ship to the entrance of the cell block. “Guys, keep watch. I'll go get her and bring her back.” I ordered.

“No, problem. I'm pretty sure I can fly this thing.” Fred said.

            I knew I could count on Fred to fly the ship because whenever we went to the arcade, he always played flight simulator games.

“You sure you can fly this thing?” Tyler asked.

“It should work the same way as one of the flight simulator games.” Fred replied.

            They stayed behind and took control of the ship while I went and opened the cell block door. There were many locked cell doors on either side of the walls. I chose the one that had the soft breathing coming from inside it. Using my superior strength, I broke the door's lock (and the door off its hinges) where I found Ashley, curled up in a ball inside the small cell. She was just was she was in the vision in the water except she was blindfolded and gagged now. I went to her and she started scream, but they were muffled by the gag. I tried to undo it, but she tried to claw at me with her sharp fingernails and tried to wrap the chain to her shackles around my neck. So I pulled down the blindfold. She stopped as she looked at me. Her brown eyes were red rimmed, but I could see the softness in them as she gazed at me. Then I undid the gag.

“This has to be a dream. What took you so long?” she asked.

“This is no dream and you know I like to make an entrance.” I said. “Impulsus.”

The chains shook and the locks broke. The cuffs fell from her wrist, to the cell floor in the opened position and the shackle on her ankle did the same.

“Wow, that's very powerful magic.” she said.

“It's not powerful enough to defeat an Undead.” I protested.

“An Undead? What is that?” she asked, fearfully.

“Someone who is neither living or dead. They just exist.”

“What about Ah-Mel and Lucy? Are they…?”

“No, they are human. Javion is the only one who seems to be Undead, but he said his master was something that was greater than all of us. Now, let's get outta here before he shows up.”

            I pulled her up and turned her around. I slowly started pulled down her dress to make sure that the scabs on her back wouldn't tear open.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Just don't move.” I held up my right hand and my Draco Notem glowed with green light. “Sanari.” I whispered. The light went on her back and healed her. When I finished, she touched her back. “How bad?”

“Smooth as a newborn.” I said.

So what's the plan?” she asked as she pulled her dress up.

“We go back to the kingdom, drop you and the others off there and I'll go back to kill Javion, his master, and whoever is behind these attacks.” I said.

“No. Don't go back.”

“I have to go.”

“Why you?”

“I am the Rider. It's my duty.”

“You're gonna get killed if you go. As a member of the Royal Family, I order you not to go back and fight.”

“I have to go back. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't go back.”

“Because I love you!” she said.

I looked at her with surprise and asked. “What?”

“I love you. I always have since the day you beat me in the swimming match. I want you to take the throne by my side.”

“Maybe I can, if we survive this.” I said as I took her hand and we left the cell block.

            We came out and the others were not there.

“Where are they?” she asked.

“Something's not right.” I said.

“You are right about that, Rider.” I heard Javion say. We looked up and he was standing over us, his sword in hand.

“Did you take you take pleasure in killing her parents?” I asked.

“It was my mission. Kill the King and Queen and bring her to my master.”

“And why would he want me?” Ashley asked, tears of pain and anger forming in her eyes.

“To kill you. As reward, I would take the riches of your family.”

“And what would your master want?” I asked, drawing Terris.

“The throne. He wanted it, so he gave me my powers to get her and her family out of the way.”

“And he is what? A relative?” Ashley asked.

“Yes, in a way. He's your uncle.” Javion explained.

Ashley looked as if she just was punched in the stomach. Javion jumped down in front of us. I held Terris in front of me if he wanted to fight.

“Your sacrifice will be glorious.” he said and he threw down something. I heard glass shatter and smoke came up. I started to cough and sleep took over. Sleeping gas! I thought. Vanilor! I shouted with my mind. Vanilor, help!!!

Then I fell and I hit the ground. The last thing I saw was Javion standing over me.

“Now what will the great Dragon Rider do?” he asked tauntingly. Then I passed out.

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