Tails x Cosmo

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Cute couple. I'm not a big fan of the couples that involve the Sonic kids (such as Tails, Marine, Cream, Cosmo etc...) but if I had to pick ones that I like this would be one of them. Surprisingly since I don't really like Tails or Cosmo, I kind of like them together. :) I know Sonic X was definitely an unfortunate show but they were actually really cute together. I loved Tails' love for her.

Reasons why I like it
~ Tails obviously liked here a lot, seeing how upset he was when she died
~ Tails cared for her so much he even took on SHADOW to try and save her XD
~ They're both shy and cute XD
~ I feel they'd make a very compatible couple

Reasons why I don't like it
~ Cosmo is dead
~ Cosmo has a bit of an undeveloped personality, as she died so quickly O_O (Sega likes to kill off the nice girls ;_;)
~ They are really young

Overall I give this shipping a

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