Sonic x Amy

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Not a fan of Sonamy. I used to like it a lot when I first joined the Sonic fandom thing but I kind of changed my mind as I got older. XD Although I love Amy and Sonic separately I don't really like them as a couple. I don't hate them though. I just find Amy's crush on Sonic to be kind of immature like she likes him mainly because he's older and cool and it's not like a serious looooove thing. It can be kind of cute sometimes, though. But Sonic kind of never shows any real love interest in Amy, other than in Sonic Boom as we all know XD

Reasons why I like it
~ The chase scenes are cute
~ The fan art + comics are adorable
~ They look good together

Reasons why I dislike it
~ I don't see any real interest in Amy from Sonic
~ Amy would stop being known as Sonic's crazy fangirl (which I like) to being his girlfriend
~ Sonic isn't serious enough about life to be in a relationship. I feel he'd rather be single
~ Amy is still very young
~ Amy seems very romantic and lovey dovey whereas Sonic doesn't

Overall I give this shipping a:

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