Sonic x Shadow

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MY FAVOURITE COUPLE EVER!!!! I can't even deny I am so in love with Sonadow. XD I know it's a really unrealistic couple which will never be canon but I still think they are SO cute together. Shadow being the dark and serious one with Sonic as the spunky smart alec, I think they would be so funny and cute together. ^^ I LOVE SONADOW!!!!;&:&:&;&1""(03837?)-/"?&)))(-(-(38!!!!!!

Reasons why I like it
~ It's freaking adorable
~ The fanfics are adorable
~ The fanart is adorable
~ The comics are adorable
~ Their personalities would make for a hilariously cute blend
~ They can work really well together when they try

Reasons why I dislike it
~ They pretty much hate each other in the comics, games and TV shows :( XD

Overall I give this ship a

This is my OTP btw. Can you tell? XD I understand if you don't like it but don't break my heart in the comments </3 you can express your opinion, of course. I'm not the kind of person that's gonna be like "IF YOO DUNT LYKE IT DONT COMMENT!!!!111oneoneone!!one!!!!!!1111" XD This is a free country so feel free to comment just please be nice ;_; <3 Thank you ^^

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