Eve's Father

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"Father? Your dad?" Reagan asks.
Eve nods, raising her eyebrows in a that's-what-I-just-said way.
"Sorry, it's just I haven't seen your father in years. And I haven't seen you in a while. I'm glad I found you."
'It was a terrible accident. I didn't mean to, I swear,' flashes through Embry's mind.
"Damn it, I thought it would be gone," He mutters.
Reagan and Eve look at him curiously, Gran and Mr. Fletch ignore him.
Eve looks nervous. She is glancing at the desk, to the computers crowding the room, back to her father. She pauses on Embry's fingers, and she looks back to her father. His eyes are fake. His hands are concealed by gloves, and his clothes seem to be holding nothing. Nothing but a wire frame, because it is nothing but a wire frame. She knows this, and she knows he was hurt by someone. This is not her memory of her father, but it is, without a doubt, him. The mess of papers on his brown, seemingly expensive, desk is what she remembers. He had always been a messy person. He had also appreciated science. This made sense, that he would create this organization. That he would put her here, and that she would suggest being put into her coffee shop. Her memory is intact, unlike the others.
"Are you okay Eve?" Embry asks.
"Leave me alone Embry," she spits while talking. Embry doesn't know what he's done.
"I didn't do anything. I don't understand why you're pissy, and if you want to get mad at me for doing nothing, then fine," Embry retorts.
"You did many things! You hurt my family. I hate you!" Eve shouts. Eve storms out of a door in the back of the room. Gran follows after her.
Reagan is on the verge of tears. It is difficult to see two friends fight. They follow through the door. It is a bedroom, full of movie posters, a bed, a dresser and a closet. There is a small television set on the dresser. Eve is sitting on a bed.
"Listen, we don't remember much from before this organization or much about why we got here. I dated you, I almost dated Embry. You owned a coffee shop, and I broke up with you because you were so obsessed. I ran away from home because I couldn't handle my parents, and I needed money so I went to your dad. That's it," Reagan tells Eve.
"And someone hurt my father. When I was in that room, looking at Embry I realized..." Eve trails off sobbing.
"Hey, you don't know that he hurt your father," Reagan says.
"I knew he did because his face, his hand. These were the same places his injuries were when he... when he did it," Eve tells them.  Eve stops crying suddenly.
"Actually, there are papers documenting what happened but it will be difficult to get them. We'll have to get them at night. There are rooms set up for you... and for Embry. So..." Eve trails off and Reagan nods in agreement. They need to get those papers.

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