Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

"So yeah. I'll give you the homework later," she said, as if nothing happened, then, "Out of my sight, freak!" 

I smiled, trying to hold back some giggles before scurrying away and trying to find Allie. After everyone had cleared out, she was towards the back with her arms crossed, seemingly out of it. I tried waving my hand in front of her face, but it didn't work. 

"How come it's always me getting attacked?" I asked, cautiously looking around. "You were the person everyone hated."

She picked up her head, shaking it back and forth violently a few times before looking at me, an odd look of gloom on her face. I tilted my head in question but didn't get the chance to ask.

"I don't know, maybe they think I've died?" she guessed, shrugging. "I'm not as loud, there wolf changed us in more ways than one," 

"So the wolf makes you gloomy?" I asked.

"No, the whole investigation and everything, it's kinda nerve wracking, you know? It's just scary, not knowing what will happen. It makes me wonder if Alec and Roy are okay with their part," she explained, looking down and then up. "But yeah, the wolf changed us."  

"Yeah, for better or worse," I muttered. "Great, so we can't ask her openly without being attacked, so now what?"

 "Quit whining, it's not like we'll die." she said, punching my arm lightly. "We still have other things to do. Wanna go play Mario?" 

"Sure," I agreed, getting ready to follow her. 

We both knew we shouldn't be blowing the whole investigation off by playing video games, but there wasn't much else we could do. Allie was against going to the park, she didn't say why, and Alec and Roy had their own leagues to follow. Who knew, I might actually get into Mario. Or act like I'm dying on the couch just for fun, maybe to see if I can attract any attention to Allie for fun. 

I flopped down on the beaten up couch while Allie started up the system and tossed me a controller. I never noticed how weird a Nintendo 64 controller looked, and the fact I had no idea how to hold it added to the embarrassment. Allie say the the confused look on my face and poked me, showing me how not to look like a moron with a controller in hand. I smiled in thanks before she started scrolling through the menu, then we started debating what level type we would play.

Minutes later all I could think about was how to pass the big ape in front of me. I needed a box, or something to pass him. I was so involved in the game I didn't notice someone sneaked up behind me.

"Really, Mario?"

I knew that voice anywhere, that's why I jumped and let out a squeal. He was right behind me, in my ear. 

"Why?" I asked, turning to face him.

I felt my heartbeat speed up when looking at his face. That midnight black hair, those deep amber eyes, the times we messed around for fun . . .

Quit being a girl! Those petty emotions are more than annoying!

"Why not? We sort of, kinda got caught with Katrina." he admitted, looking down.

"Yeah we sucked at it. She threatened to beat us if we kept it up, so here we are," Alec said, flopping on the floor by Allie. "So, you two come up with anything?"

Allie looked at me for an answer.

"Tried talking to Chelsea, ended up in a fight with her friend, you know the rest." I said, looking anywhere but their faces. "It has to be online."

"Yeah, we're screwed. We try to see what the hell's going on, get threatened and into fights, and we have no leads. This is what happens when you try," complained Alec, crossing his arms.  

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