Chapter Fourteen

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"Do you have to show off?"

"Yes, It's my job."

I rolled my eyes at Lucas after panting for breath and trying to avoid collapsing. We had just raced from the diner to the hill and there was no stopping him from leaving me in the dust behind him.

"So, you wanna challenge me to anything else?" he asked.

"No. The big, bad alpha's the fastest, now leave me to die here." I said, flopping down on the grass.

"Melodramatic," he commented before sitting down. "you know your friend is loud."

"I know Allie is," I yawned. "But she can be dealt with"

Conversation between us dropped after that and I was enjoying the silence, The heat from the sun beating down on me, the freshly cut green grass that surrounded the whole place, and the absence of wind was nice. It wasn't until I felt something a bit off before I sat up.

"What's wrong? Jumpy?" asked Lucas, raising an eyebrow.

"Just, thought I heard something." I lied, looking around.

Three . . . two . . .


I jumped a but when I heard Roy yelling for me, and then realized why I felt what I did before. The demon could sense when people were near. I got the feeling that it would be more of a nuisance then something helpful as I stood up.

"Gotta go. You know, you aren't the obnoxious jerk I thought you were." I told him before taking off. This time running felt more like flying as everything around me went by in a blur. When I got to Roy, he had an exasperated look on his face. Crap.

"Can I trust you not to mutilate her?"

"What happened?"

He explained how Alec tried talking to her, and how she refused to listen, then when Alec punched the wall and started cussing she got scared and ran off. Biting the inside of my cheek, I tried to think of where she would go but didn't come up with anything.

"She's not stupid enough to go run around and get herself in trouble." I said, my voice betraying me.

"Yeah, she is." he jabbed.

"Fine, she's a magnet for all sorts of trouble and could end up raped and nearly dead in the gutter. I'll go find her, you go do something before you lose it." I said.

"Goodbye." he said, walking away.

Dammit. Allie had to be an emotional little girl and run off just because someone got mean and instead of trying to face it, she ran and hid. Now I had to find her because she's too much of a wuss to man up and deal with these things. I figured to check home first, since she would more than likely be there, Running home and bursting through the door showed that my mom wasn't home, strange enough, and Allie wasn't in her room. Where was she then?

Mom didn't work today, she called in sick because she was too lazy to go in. She never left the house when she called in, and Allie wasn't here. I ran through every possible scenario, and one made my blood run cold. The one that I feared the most would have to be the worst. I rushed into the kitchen and yanked open the drawers and let out a sigh of relief when I found what I was looking for.

The weapons she gave us the night before he was arrested were still there. If he had broken out, he would have known they were here and grabbed the gun and knife. So my worst fear about them didn't happen. That was slightly reassuring but it didn't take care of my other worries. I tried calling them both, but Allie's phone was dead and my mom wouldn't pick up.

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