Chapter Three

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Allie and I decided to avoid the park until tomorrow. Part of it was the fact we had a ton of homework to do, the other was because we didn't want to see the boys again. They were either guarding the place because she was right, or they were just being stupid, I thought. Stupid. 

We went into the cafeteria, and Allie went to get in line while I claimed a table for us. She usually took a while. so I pulled out my notebook and flipped to a blank page and started drawing. Everything in there was theories about Supernaturals hiding themselves, or that they do exist but are being hunted, some  bad drawings and a record of events whenever something happened. I wrote the date and started the entry about the park and the boys. 

Were they guarding it, or was it to annoy us? Either way, neither of us has seen them before so it might be worth to keep an eye out for them . . .  

I slammed it shut and looked at the line. Allie was in the middle of it now, and I wanted to drag her out so we could go get fast food or something else. But no, she thought it was 'unhealthy' and refused to eat it, and school food was ok.  

Part of me wanted to go back to the park as soon as we could to figure out if they were hiding anything. I felt like they were but that could have been me wanting an adventure again, and Allie didn't want to go back there yet. Shrugging to myself, I took out my phone and started playing games. 

It wasn't until five minutes after I noticed Allie was looking down, looking like she was either going to cry or scream and someone. 

"Allie? What's wrong?" I asked.

"I was . . . just thinking . . . about the park . . . " she says in a daze. The look in her eyes says she's somewhere far away and that's never a good thing. 

"No!" I screamed as I shook her shoulders. "We promised not to go back there until tomorrow!" 

She looked at me, and then blinked before shaking her head violently. I had to resist pulling out her cherry red hair to get her to stop dreaming. 

"Sorry about that, I zoned out. So, you paying attention in class?" she asked in her perky voice. 

"Yeah, were you?" I asked slowly.


We started talking about how we needed to get our grades up, and how stupid our schedules are, and just enjoying being around each other. It was nice, not scheming about anything but having fun in that weird way only we were capable of. 

Our fun was forgotten as soon as a hand came down on our table, sending vibrations all through it. I didn't have to look up to know who it was. It was Chelsea, the head of the popular clique that made it their duty to torment and humiliate everyone else. She was alone today, and the look on her face said she wanted to start shit. 

"What do you want, bitch face?" I asked without thinking. 

"Well asshole, I was thinking about taking your little ADHD friend and going out." she said, sneering at Allie. 

"Not interested. I don't need to dress like a whore." she said in monotone. 

"I'm just trying to be nice you social rejects. You're monster obsession will be too much later." she drawled, twirling her dyed blonde hair around her finger. What was it with popular chicks and trying to degrade you?

"No, you're trying to make us fall into your pathetic game, and it's not working." I said, clenching my fist under the table.

I didn't notice that a crowd had gathered around us, and they began watching like we were going to fight. Allie could fight her if she wanted, I taught her the basics of it, but I made a promise to my mom to stay out of trouble when possible after my last fight.

Werewolf HuntingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora