Chapter Fifteen

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When I got home, the first thing I noticed was the car was gone, so mom was out at the moment. That was a relief, so I didn't have to explain Roy to her. The irritation and embarrassment was refreshed when I turned around and he was still there, seeming to find the whole situation amusing. Annoyed, I went into the living room and jumped on the couch, taking in the room.

The couch I was on still had the orange stain on the arm of it, the curtains were torn down, and the living room served as a forever reminder that my house wasn't any good. The only real thing that was of use was the TV, and it was a flat screen my mother saved up her money for.

"You aren't going to say anything?" he asked.

"I'm debating if I should whack you or pretend you aren't there."

I saw the brief look of irritation on his smooth, tan face before it turned into a scary looking smile. Looking away from him out of embarrassment, I almost punched him when I felt the weight on the couch shift.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Scaring you," he said, smirking. "And - "

A few seconds later, I knocked him off and onto the floor. He landed on his side and had blood dripping from his nose, and realizing what I did, I went to get him a rag and through it at his face. It was more than hilarious to see him dumbfounded by what I did.

"What the hell?" he asked.

"What the hell yourself? You scared me, and I knocked you off." I said, biting my lip to keep from laughing.

"I didn't think you'd give me a bloody nose!" he yelled. "Ow."

"Well - don't do that again."

"It wasn't like - you were - " He was cut off.

"Is little Roy having trouble with his words?" I teased.



"Forget what Katrina said, I'm not doing it!" he yelled, but in a playful way.

"Oh, so know you blame her?" I asked, crossing my arms.

He put the rag down and tackled me to the floor, but it wasn't in an angry way. Even though I felt butterflies in my stomach and inside I was screaming at myself to get up and not to sit there, but I didn't listen.


"I have no idea," he said, a clueless expression forming on his face. "I don't."

"Then get the hell off, this looks like rape." I said, and then felt myself start to laugh. Pretty soon after that he started laughing too and got off. What was wrong with us?

You're both stupid. chided the voice.

I didn't ask you! I snapped.

"Hey, did you mean what you said to Allie back there?" I asked suddenly, standing up.

"Yeah, I'm kinda tired of her, and I know you are too." he admitted, looking down. "Katrina was right though, we all do have one main issue."

"Caring too much, too shallow, unable to express feelings and too stubborn." I ticked off on my fingers. "So she wants us to change it?"

"I think so, but this is the first time it's happened. So unless there's something bad coming, it could just be to help with the sessions," he said, standing up. Looking at him sent another wave of heat through my face and forced me too look away.

"Yeah," I agreed slowly. "But nothing's ever happened to the werewolves before, so it has to be with the sessions."

"I don't know. Father had a weird look on his face the whole time and was usually silent. That usually means there's something wrong." he said, sitting on the couch. "This thing isn't comfy."

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