Chapter 8

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After about 20 minutes of driving, Austin pulls up to a house.
Austin:" Wait here for a second. I'll be right back."
You:" Okay."
He kisses you on the cheek before running up to the house.
You:" Wait, where's Camille?"
Jessica:" She's right here."
You turned around and saw Camille laying down on the back seat. How did you miss her when you first got in?
Jessica:" You know, she really likes you."
You:" Really?"
Jessica:" Yeah. She kept asking me all day where you were at and when you were coming back."
You:" Aw. I won't be coming back. At least not anytime soon."
Jessica:" Is this about me? I'm sorry if I messed things up for you. I just wanted a safe place for Camille."
You:" I know. And I know Austin is being nice, but to be honest, I'm intimidated by you. I don't want him to get back with you. I know that sounds really-"
She starts laughing.
Jessica:" You're intimidated by me? If anything, I'm intimidated by you. I mean your Y/n Y/l/n! I can't compete with that."
You:" But Austin doesn't see it that way."
Jessica:" Y/n, I don't like Austin. We're just good friends. I know the situation that we're in is weird, but I have no feelings for Austin whatsoever. And he doesn't have any for me."
You:" How do you know?"
Jessica:" Because, the only reason we're here is so he could find a place to stay with you. He wasn't going to let you go somewhere by yourself. . . By the way, why didn't you just stay at a hotel? I mean at least there you would have your own bed and bathroom."
You:" I can't show up at a hotel by myself. Then the press would definitely know something was going on."
Jessica:" Why didn't you just go with Austin?"
You:" That's even worse. Me alone with a boy, checking into a hotel room?"
Jessica:" Oh. You're right. Well at least this place is completely free from the paparazzi."
You:" What even is "this place"?"
Jessica:" The house of an old friend of mine and Austin. His name is Alex. He's going through some stuff with his girlfriend so he has the whole house to himself. It's a huge place and could probably fit 100 people. So you and Austin will get a lot of alone time."

A few minutes later you see Austin motion for you to come to the door.
Jessica:" Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow."
You:" Okay. . . See you tomorrow."
Were you starting to like Jessica? Maybe she isn't as bad as you thought.
This is perfect. Thanks to Jessica I finally have a place to stay with Y/n out of the eye of the public. The only bad thing is that my friend Alex stays here. I mean Alex is great, it's just that he's a huge fan of Y/n and I don't know how well he's going to handle it.
Y/n meets me at the door and as soon as she gets there, Alex peeps his head out the door.
Alex:" Oh my-"
Austin:" Alex. . ."
Alex:" Oh my-"
Austin:" Alex!"
Alex:" I'm okay. I'm calm. I'm good."
Austin:" Good."
Alex:" It's not like I have The Y/n Y/l/n standing at my door or anything. By the way, you look really beautiful."
Austin:" Alex you promised you wouldn't freak out."
You:" Haha. It's fine. Thanks. And, um thank you for letting me stay here."
Alex:" Anytime. . . And I really mean ANYtime."
Austin:" Okay why don't we go inside."
You:" Good idea."
Alex:" Yeah good idea."
Austin:" Not you. You have to take Jessica back to my apartment."
Alex:" Ugh. Can't she just walk? I mean seriously. I have the gorgeous Y/n Y/l/n at my house right now."
You:" Don't worry. I'll be here when you get back. But only if you hurry."
And with that Alex ran to my car to my car and took Jessica home.
You:" Does he know that we're dating."
Austin:" No he does not."
You:" Ah. That explains a lot."

*1 Year Later - in the studio*
You:" Austin hurry or else we're going to be late."
Austin:" Okay. Let me go a little slower just so I can piss you off even more."
You:" You're so annoying!"
Austin:" I try."
Dad:" You two need to stop being immature kids and grow up. The car leaves in 5 minutes and I expect you both to be down there in 4 minutes. I don't want any problems at this interview. So could you, for once in your life, get along with each other until it's over."
You:" It's not me you have to worry about. Austin's the childish one."
Austin:" You're just jealous because I'm better than you."
You:" At what? Being annoying?"
Dad:" Both of you! Cut! It! Out! Keep this up and this'll be the last song either of you perform. Got it?"
Austin:" Yes sir."

Your dad walks out the room and gets on the elevator.
You:" I can't believe he's still buying this crap."
Austin:" I know. You'd think he would've caught on by now."
Austin wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close.
Austin:" We should just tell him."
You:" No. We already told my mom and it was hard for her to take it. Imagine how my dad will be."
Austin:" I don't like hiding the fact that we're dating."
You:" Me neither. I just think that it's better if only a few people know."
Austin:" Are you ashamed to be my girlfriend."
You:" Of course not. I just want you to experience this life in a good way. You know, without the paparazzi asking about you and me all the time. This is your time. It's about you right now, not me."
Austin:" But-"
You:" How about this. We'll wait a week, and if you still want to tell everyone after that we're dating, then I'll tell my dad and you can tell the world. Deal?"
Austin:" . . . Deal. No take backs. After one week is when we'll tell everyone."
You:" Fine."
He kisses you on your forehead.
Austin:" Good. Now let's go to this interview."

*At the interview*
Host:" Good morning everyone! I'm Sonny Sannet and welcome to the Sonny Sannet Show."
Everyone starts clapping and cheering.
Sonny:" As you all know, today I have two very special guests. Y/n Y/l/n, who has had over 5 number one songs and over night sensation Austin Mahone! Let's welcome them out."
Everyone starts cheering as you and Austin walk out on the set.
Sonny:" I'm glad you're both here."
You:" Thanks for having us."
Sonny:" So, let's start from the beginning. About a year ago, Austin was a janitor at your recording studio and you heard him singing in one of your recording booths."
You:" Yes. He caught me off guard when I realized that he was a janitor and not an artist there at the time."
She laughs then continues to ask you and Austin more questions about how you guys recorded the songs together and how great it was to work together.
Sonny:" So, enough chit chat. Here's the real question everyone's been wondering."
Austin:" Go for it."
Sonny:" Are the two of you talking?"
You:" Well of course. We talk to each other everyday at work."
Austin:" Yeah."
The crowd starts laughing.
Sonny:" Well of course. But are you guys more than just talking?"
Austin:" You're asking if we're dating?"
Sonny:" Yes."
Of course you're dating. It couldn't be more obvious.
You and Austin look at each other and then start laughing.
You:" Haha no. We're just friends."
No you're not.
Austin:" I've never even thought about Y/n like that. She like a sister to me. We argue all the time."
Sonny:" Really?!"
You:" Yeah. But at the end of the day, he's my brother, and we'll make up and I'll make him by me food to apologize."
Sonny:" Aw. That's adorable. Well, you heard it here. Y/n and Austin are just like brother and sister. So fellas, she's still available, and ladies, Austin Mahone is up for grabs. See you all next time on the Sonny Sannet Show!"

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