Chapter 4

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You both got dress and you got in his car.
You:" You're not a drug dealer or work somewhere weird right?"
Austin:" No of course not. . . But even if I did, you'd trust me to take care of you right?"
You:" Hm I don't know."
Austin:" Thanks you're so kind."
After a few minutes of driving you pulled up to somewhere you never expected.
You:" You work at a gay night club?"
Austin:" Nope. . . I work at a gay day club."
You:" You're gay?! I mean I don't have a problem with you being gay. I just thought-"
Austin:" I'm not gay."
He laughs and starts unbuckling his seat belt.
You:" Then why do you work here?"
Austin:" The tips are great. It helps that most of the people in here find me attractive."
You:" There are guys that find you attractive?"
Austin:" Everyone finds me attractive. Don't you?"
You:" Yeah but-"
Austin:" What? Y/n Y/l/n finds a janitor attractive?"
You:" No. . . I mean yes but-"
I just look at her and smile. It was cute watching her stammer.
You:" Don't you have to get to work?"
I could tell that she was embarrassed, but it was cute. She gets out the car and puts on her sunglasses so no one will recognize her. Well I guess it's time for me to show her this place.

You walk inside the club and it was packed. Everyone started clapping when you walked in. How did they even recognize you? Oh wait.
Random Guy 1:" Austin is finally here ladies and gentlemen!"
Random Guy 2:" It's about time!"
They were clapping for Austin? Why? You saw a lady staring at you from the bar. You were kind of uncomfortable, but then again, you were flattered.
Random Lady 1:" What do you have for us today?"
Austin:" Something new like always."
Austin walks over to a piano that's in the middle of the room.
'You've got to be kidding me.' You thought as he sat down and started playing a song. This whole thing was surprising to you. You find a table in the back near a wall and sit there.
Half way through you realize that you really like the song and that you really like Austin. It's one thing after another with him. He's just too perfect. You didn't realize you were daydreaming about him until someone came up to your table.
Waiter:" Excuse me Ms?"
He had a glass on his tray filled with some alcoholic drink.
You:" Yes?"
He puts the glass on the table in front of you.
Waiter:" This is from the lady from the bar."
He walks away and you look at the lady at the bar. She looked like she was in her mid-20's and had long brown hair. She smiled and waved and you awkwardly smiled back. Before you knew it she came over to your table and took a seat.
Lady:" Hi. My name is Sabrina."
You:" Oh. . . That's nice."
Sabrina:" What's your name?"
You:" Y/n. . ."
Sabrina:" I like that name."
You:" Thanks. . ."
Sabrina:" I didn't know what you drank, but you look like a margarita type of girl. Just like me."
You:" Um. . . I actually don't drink."
Sabrina:" Oh. That's too bad. I was hoping we could have some drunk fun later."
You:" Um I'm not looking for anyone right now."
Sabrina:" Just break up with your girlfriend?"
You:" No but-"
Sabrina:" Then why are you here? No one comes here by themselves unless they just broke up with someone and they're looking for someone else or they're just lost."
She starts laughing.
Austin:" Y/n, baby. How was the song?"
He puts his arm around you and kisses your cheek. Thank goodness for Austin.

Sabrina:" Oh, you're not a-"
You:" No. I'm sorry."
Sabrina:" Well I feel completely embarrassed."
You:" Don't. It's my fault for not telling you. But, for what it's worth, I think you're really pretty and you could pick up any girl that walks through those doors."
Just then a tall lady with red hair walked in and went straight to the bar. Sabrina smiled and walked over to meet her.
Austin:" Look at you making friends."
You:" Oh shut up."
He laughs then realizes his arm is still around you.
Austin:" Oh! I'm sorry."
You:" Don't be sorry for that. You should be sorry for not telling me you could sing AND play the piano!"
Austin:" Did you like it?"
You:" I love that song!"
Austin:" Really? Thanks."
You:" You wrote that yourself?"
Austin:" Yeah."
You:" That was amazing."
Austin:" Thank you. So when are you going to let me listen to your new song?"
You:" Whenever I finish it."
Austin:" How much do you have?"
You:" None of it. And my dad won't stop stressing me about."
She plays with the drink that was sitting in front of her on the table.
You:" But whatever. I'm done worrying about it."
Austin:" What if you sang my song?"
You:" You'd let me do that?!"
Austin:" Of course."
You:" Well how much do you want for it?"
Austin:" I'm not selling it to you. . . I'm giving it to you."
You:" I can't just take your song."
Austin:" Why not?"
You:" It's YOUR song not mine."
Austin:" It'll be an early birthday gift."
You:" No I'm not using your song. . . Unless you record it with me."

Austin:" Are you kidding me?"
You:" I'm dead serious."
He thought about it for a while and smiled. . . Then he stopped.
Austin:" I can't. Can you imagine what would happen if someone saw me in a professional recording studio?"
You:" All of these people would be happy!"
Austin:" I'm talking about the artists that actually work there. . . And if your dad ever saw me then-"
You:" Just say you were cleaning up."
Austin:" I clean at night."
You:" So you clean at night?"
Austin:" Yes."
You:" After everyone leaves?"
He nods his head.
You:" And there's absolutely no one else there."
He nods his again.
You:" Do you see where I'm going with this?"
He looked honestly confused.
You:" Austin! We'll record it at night. When everyone is gone."
Austin:" Like I said, I have to clean at night. I'll get fired if I don't. I won't have time to-"
You:" I'll help you."
Austin:" You'll help me clean that whole entire building?"
You nod your head and smile.

I can't believe this right now. I have a shot to make my dreams come true, but there are too many things that can go wrong. I had to talk Y/n out of doing this for me.
Austin:" Do you even know how to work a sound board?"
You:" I know some people who can work a sound board."
Austin:" And the music? I don't think you'd want to do it acapella. . . I mean considering the way the rest of your music is."
You:" That's the thing. It won't sound like the rest of my music! But I think it would be pretty awesome if you'd play the piano."
Austin:" I don't know. . ."
She she grabs my hand with both of hers. My heart starts beating a little faster. The way her hands felt on mine gave me chills.
You:" Please. This can be your big break! Don't you know one of the hardest part about this industry is getting started?"
She was right. I hate that she's right, but I love that she's right.
Austin:" Alright. We'll do it tonight after everyone leaves."
Before I know it she has her arms around.
You:" Yes! This is going to be perfect. I promise."

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