Chapter 6

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*the next morning*
You open your eyes to the sun shining through the window. You were laying on Austin's chest and his arm was wrapped around you. Wait. . . Austin slept with you last night?
Wait. . . Did Austin SLEEP with you last night?!
You didn't move because he was still asleep. You were worrying about nothing. He just slept in the same bed. That's all. His clothes were on and everything and so were yours.
His phone rings.
Trying not to wake you up, even though you were already awake, he shifted closer to the nightstand where his cell phone was laying.
Austin:" Hello?"
His tired voice made your heart melt as you felt the vibrations of his body go through yours.
Austin:" What? Slow down?"
He slowly started to sit up making you roll off of him.
Austin:" Yeah. I'll be right there. Is everyone okay?"
You look at him with your "sleepy" eyes and wait for him to finish his conversation. He got out of the bed and starts getting dress.
Austin:" I'll be right there. . . Bye."
You:" Who was that?"

Austin:" Jessica."
You:" Oh. . . Who's that."
Austin:" She's . . . A friend."
She's. . . A friend?!
You:" By friend do you mean girlfriend?"
Austin:" EX-girlfriend. I have to go check on her and Camille."
You:" And Camille is. . ."
Austin:" Her daughter."
You:" You have a kid with her?"
Austin:" No. She cheated on me with some other guy. When she told me she was pregnant I found it strange because I never had sex with her. And that's when I knew that she had cheated on me and that's when I broke up with her so she could be with her other little boyfriend."
You:" What happened? Why do you have to check on her? What happened?"
Austin:" Apparently, that boyfriend of hers that I was telling you about, came home drunk. They got in a fight and he threaten to hurt Camille but he thoughts it would be better to hurt them both so, he caught the house on fire."
You:" Oh my-"
Austin:" I know. I'm about to go. Do you want to come with me?"
Go with your boyfriend to see his ex and her daughter? 🚫NO!🚫 It would just make things awkward.
You:" No. I'll stay here and wait for you to get back."
Austin:" Okay. I'll be back as soon as I can."
He starts walking towards the door. 'Wow, he looks really hot right now'. Wait, Austin is going to see his ex looking like that?! What if they fall back in love and get back together?!
You:" Austin, wait. I'll come with you. Just let me change really quick."

Maybe you were just being paranoid. You just started dating Austin. He wouldn't cheat on you so soon. . . But then again you did JUST start dating Austin and maybe he'll realize he likes Jessica better than you.
Austin:" We're here."
You looked at the house. . .well what used to be the house, and you started to feel bad for Jessica.
You:" They're okay right?"
Austin:" Yeah. . . She's over there in her neighbor's yard."
You both get out the car and walk over to her.
Jessica:" Austin thank you so much for coming."
Austin:" Of course."
He gives her a hug then introduces her to you.
Jessica:" It's great to meet you. Thank you for coming."
Austin:" Where's Camille?"
Jessica:" She's in the house with Sarah, my neighbor."
As she talked to Austin you realized that she really is beautiful. Naturally curly brown hair, green/brown eyes, she was completely gorgeous. No wonder Austin used to like her.

You all go inside and she explains how everything happened.
Austin:" So you and Camille are completely fine? No burns or anything?"
Jessica:" Yeah. Camille!"
Camille came walking around the corner. She was about 4 years old and looked just like Jessica but her hair had a little bit of blonde in it. You just wanted to run up to her and give her a hug.
Jessica:" Say hi."
She smiles at Austin.
Camille:" hi."
Austin:" Hi Camille."
Then she looks at you and her smile fades away.
Camille:" Mommy. . ."
She runs over to Jessica and whispers in her ear.
Jessica:" Why don't you tell her."
Camille smiles then runs back over to you and whispers in your ear.
Camille:" You're pwetty."
You:" Aw. Thank you. You are too."
She laughs and starts playing in her hair.
Camille:" Will you play with me?"
How could you say no to her?!

You follow her into a small play area that the neighbors had.
Camille:" Here. You have this one."
She hands you a Barbie and pulls out a little Barbie car.
You:" How old are you Camille?"
Camille:" Thwee."
She starts going on about how her mommy was going to get her a Barbie car that she could drive for her next birthday and she was going to change her room into everything Frozen and she wanted to be like Elsa and all that great stuff. You could barely understand what she was trying to say but she was so cute so you just smiled and nodded.
Camille:" But now I can't."
You:" Why not?"
Camille:" Mommy say the bad guy caught our castle on fire and Elsa didn't come in time to help. She went back home and mommy has to find a new castle for us."
She kept playing as if the conversation had ever happened.
Camille:" You have to put your Barbie in the car too. Then we get ice cream."

Jessica:" So you're dating celebrities now?"
Austin:" No. . . I mean yes. But she's the only one I've ever dated."
Jessica:" How long have you been dating?"
Austin:" A couple of days."
Jessica:" Oh wow. I'm surprised I haven't seen anything in the news about it."
Austin:" We don't want anyone to know yet. The fact that I'm a janitor and-"
Jessica:" It's okay. I won't tell anyone. I understand. At least you're doing better than I am."
Austin:" Don't say that."
Jessica:" It's true. I don't know what to do. Camille's birthday is in a week and we have no where to stay, no clothes, no. . ."
She starts tearing up.
Jessica:" I'm going to have to find another job just to get us through this month. . . I promised her that Barbie car. . . I should've never let any of this happened. I should have left Anthony a long time ago. Now I've put Camille in danger and . . . I'm the worst mom in the world."
She starts crying and naturally I go and comfort her.
Austin:" You're not the worst mom in the world. You're a great mom. You've taken care of-"
Camille:" Mommy. . ."
Camille peeks around the corner with a Barbie in her hand.
Camille:" Mommy why you crying?"
Jessica:" Because baby-"
Before she could finish Camille was hugging her.
Camille:" It's okay mommy. Don't be sad. We beat the bad guys. Okay?"
Just then I get a text from Y/n saying "I want to help. How can I help? Just tell me what to do and I'll do it."
I had an idea but I didn't know how much Y/n would like it.

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