Chapter 11

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You:" I'm only doing this so you can live your dreams without me influencing them."
Austin:" You're the whole reason I'm able to live my dream. You are my dream."
You smile. . . Then you see the camera man hiding behind a bush.
You:" So how long have you known that camera man was over there."
Austin:" . . . A few minutes ago."
You:" He heard everything we said. Why didn't you tell me? This is going to be all over the news. Everyone is going to find out about us."
He didn't say anything.
You:" That's exactly what you wanted."
Austin:" Y/n, I meant what I said. None of this would've happened without you. When I met you I fell in love. I want you and only you. I love you."
He got down on one knee.
Austin:" Y/n, will you marry me?"

It's been a year now and I want Y/n to myself. I see guys checking her out all the time and I'm tired of it. I want them to know that she's all mine.
Austin:" So? Will you?"
You:" Can we talk about this in private?"
Well that's not the answer I was expecting.
Did he really just ask you that in front of the paparazzi?!
Austin:" Uh, sure."
You both go back to the car and get in.
Austin:" So. . ."
You:" I don't think we should get married. Not yet anyway."
Austin:" Why not? I thought you loved me."
You:" I do, Austin. It just seems really soon."
Austin:" You're not ready to commit."
You:" What?"
Austin:" You like having options. You don't want to be tied down."
You:" What are you even talking about?"
Austin:" All I've ever done was love you and treat you right. I just wanted everyone to know that you're mine."
You:" Okay. That's fine. But marriage? Don't you think you're jumping in to things?"
He doesn't answer.
You get a Twitter update on your phone. "@y/n and @austinmahone are together. Dating or Married? Find out more. . ."
You:" No. . . Now this is going to be everywhere. Why would you do that in front of the paparazzi? That was such a stupid move."
Austin:" So me loving you is stupid now?"
You:" If you loved me you wouldn't have done something like that after I told you not to."
Austin:" There's no pleasing you!"
You:" You know what, I'm just going to go because the longer I sit here than more frustrated you make me."
Austin:" Fine. Leave."
You get out the car and slam the door. He pulls out of the parking lot and drives off.
Then a few minutes later he comes back and rolls down the window.
Austin:" . . . Um. I'll leave the light on for you when you get home."
You:" You obviously don't know that we're having a fight."
Austin:" I do. . . I just don't want you to hate me forever."

*Later that night*
You got back home and Austin had left the light on like he said he would.
You:" Austin? I'm home."
You didn't get a response. Maybe he was already asleep. . . Probably not. It was only 9:30.
You:" Austin?"
You walk into the bedroom and hear the shower on in the bathroom. You knocked on the door.
You:" Austin."
Austin:" Yeah?"
You:" I'm home."
Austin:" Are you sure? I thought you were talking to me from the studio."
You:" Ha ha. You are so funny."
He comes out the bathroom with a towel wrap around his waist.
Damn. He looks hot. He always looks hot but. . . Damn.
Austin:" What?"
He smiles. What was it about him now that made him so. . . Damn.
You:" You look different."
Austin:" Yeah?"
You:" Yeah."
Austin:" I got a hair cut."
There's no way a hair cut is making him look this good.
Austin:" Do you like it?"
You:" Yes."
He walks toward you.
Austin:" Is it sexy?"
He puts his arms around your waist.
You:" Very."
Austin:" Look, I'm sorry about earlier."
You:" It's fine. Just-"
He kisses your neck.
Austin:" Just what?"
You:" Um-"
He continues to kiss your neck then moves to your lips.
Austin:" Um?"
You couldn't speak. He took your breath away.
Austin:" I love you."
You:". . . I know. . ."
He stops and looks you in the eye.
Austin:" Do you love me, too?"
You:" Yes. Of course."
Austin:" Tell me you love me."
You:" I-"
He lifts you up and kisses you again.
Austin:" Say you love me."
He smiles against your lips.
You:" I-"
He moves his hand up your shirt.
You:" I- I can't do this."

Austin:" What do you mean?"
You:" This. I'm just not ready to have sex. . . Not yet."
Austin:" Just like you're not ready to get married. . . Not yet."
You:" Those are two completely different things."
Austin:" I know. It just seems like I can't get close to you lately and. . . *sigh* I'm sorry. If you don't want to have sex then we won't. I respect your decision. I'll wait until you're ready."
You:" Thank you."
Austin:" I'm going to go to bed."
You:" Okay. But before you go, I'm still meeting with Brett tomorrow. Do you want to come?"
Of course I want to go with her. Obviously Brett likes her but. . . I can't take this opportunity away from Y/n.
Austin:" No. I'll just head to the studio. I have something new I'm working on."
You:" Okay. . . I love you."
But does she really?

*the next day*
Brett:" I think this is going to be great. What do you think?"
You:" I think this is going to be a badass movie."
Brett:" Great! So you'll do it?"
You:" Yes."
Brett:" Yes! Now all we have to find is someone to play your love interest."
You:" Who did you have in mind?"
Brett:" Well we want it to be someone you have chemistry with on camera. The producers were thinking. . ."
You:" Thinking what?"
Brett:" That maybe I would work for the role."
You:" Oh. . ."
Brett:" Yeah. . . But it's kind of hard to act and direct. So we decided to keep looking."
Thank goodness. You and Brett together? Austin would die.
You:" Well, you have my number. Just let me know who you decide to go with."
Brett:" It was good seeing you. I'm happy we get to work with you on this film."
He gets up and walks you out the door of the coffee shop.
Brett:" I'll update you as soon as possible."
Before you could reply he'd gave you a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
You:" Uh I have a boyfriend."
Brett:" Oh. . . Well, then let's pretend this never happened. Then I won't be so embarrassed."
You laugh.
You:" It's fine. Just don't let it happen again."
Brett:" Of course not."

Jessica:" Okay. Camille is finally asleep."
Alex:" Great. Now we can finally have some alone time."
As soon as I say that someone starts banging on the door.
Alex:" Ugh. What now?"
I open the door and see Austin. His eyes were red.
Alex:" Dude what's wrong?"
Austin:" Where's Y/n?"
His words came out stuttered. He starts looking at his hands all weird.
Alex:" Y/n isn't here."
Austin looks up at me and his eyes widen.
Alex:" Are you high?"
Austin:" No. I'm drunk you idiot."
Jessica comes to the door.
Jessica:" Hey Austin."
Austin:" Why is that taco talking to me?"
Jessica:" What?"
Austin:" I just need. . ."
Alex:" Austin, you're high. Come inside."
Austin:" I'm just a little drunk."
Alex:" You're drunk and high. You need to sit down."
He walks away from the door.

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