Chapter 7

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Austin:" Jessica, I don't know how much this will help but you can stay at my place for a while until you get back on your feet."
Jessica:" Oh my goodness! That would be great! Thank you so much!"
How is he just going to invite people to stay with you guys?! Well. . . It is his house and he can have anyone he wants to stay there. But his ex girlfriend, really? Then again, you don't have to stay with Austin, but you can't go home now. How is this going to work?

*a few hours later*
Austin:" I'm sorry. I was just trying to be helpful."
You were in the car with Austin driving back to the studio so you could start some of your music.
You:" I know. I just wish you would've given me a heads up so I could find some place to stay."
Austin:" You can still stay with me."
You:" All of us in your apartment? I don't think that will work."
Austin:" Of course it will."
You:" Austin, you only have one bed and one couch."
Austin:" I'll sleep on the floor."
You:" No. Stop. I'll just have to find somewhere else to stay."
Austin:" What if you can't?"
You:" Then I'll just have to convince my dad to let me stay at home until our song comes out."

Our song. That sounds nice. I'm glad that she's doing this for me. I promise that as soon as I have enough money I'm going to pay her back for all that she has done for me.
Austin:" What if-"
You:" You're doing the right thing by helping them. . . And by helping me, but I think it's time I just talk to my dad."
I look at her with a sad face.
Austin:" I don't want you to feel like you have to do that."
You:" I don't. And besides, my mom should be back today or tomorrow so she'll be on my side. . . Hopefully."
I pull up to the front of the studio and unlock the door.
Austin:" Alright. Just let me know if you need anything. I'll see you later tonight right?"
You:" Of course. We have to finish making you and over night sensation right?"
Austin:" Yeah. With my album of two songs. One of which I haven't even finished."
You:" Don't worry. We'll do it tonight. 11:00?"
Austin:" Sounds like a plan. I'll see you later."

It was 11:00 and Austin wasn't at the studio.
Della:" Is he not coming because of me?"
You:" I don't think so. . . And by the way, don't kiss Austin again, alright?"
Della:" I only did that to make you jealous. I knew it would work."
You:" I thought you really liked him!"
Della:" No way. It was obvious that you liked him and that he liked you. I was just trying to speed up the process."
You:" Well it work."
Della:" I know it did."
You:" But now he's letting his ex stay with him."
Della stood up from her chair.
Della:" His EX?!"
You:" Yup."
Della:" And you're okay with that?"
You:" No. But I don't want to be a clingy girlfriend. You know?"
Della:" Aren't you afraid that they might. . . You know, while you're gone."
You:" No. She has a kid. They wouldn't do that with her there."
Della:" She has a kid!?"
You:" It's not Austin's."
Della:" But don't you think that she is one of the reasons Austin might get back with his ex?"
You:" Are you trying to convince me that Austin wants to break up with me?"
Della:" No, no. It's just that. . . Never mind."
After about an hour Della decided that it was no use to wait for Austin.
Della:" We'll try again tomorrow."
You:" Alright. I'm going to stay here and see if I can put something together before tomorrow morning."
Della:" See ya."
Della leaves and you start working on some of your music.

It was 12:30 now and you were getting tired. You decided to call it a night. But where were you going to go? You can't go to Austin's place and your definitely not going back home. Just then you heard a knock on the door.
Austin:" Y/n?"
You:" Nope. It's Morgan Freeman."
Austin walks through the door with two cups of Starbucks in his hand.
Austin:" I'm so sorry I'm late and I know you're mad at me, but I have some-. . . Where's Della?"
You:" She left because you didn't show up."
Austin:" I feel horrible."
You:" Yeah. Well I'm about to go so-"
Austin:" oh. . . Okay. Well I brought this for you. I hope you like it. It's Caramel Macchiato. "
You were pissed at the fact that he still didn't tell you why it took him so long to get there, but you weren't going to turn down the coffee.
You:" What kind is yours?"
Austin:" It's not mine. It's Jess-"
You:" Of course it is."
Austin:" Y/n-"
You:" I'm going to go. I'm really tired. Thanks for the coffee."
Before you could walk out the room, Austin comes up behind you and puts his arms around your waist and pull you closer to him.
Austin:" Please don't walk away while I'm trying to apologize. It's really impolite baby."
You hated how he made your heart melt even though you were mad at him.
You:" What are you apologizing for?"
Austin:" For being late and not calling. Me and Jessica just got carried away."
You:" Do you want to break up with me Austin? Do you still have feelings for Jessica?"
Austin:" No. Why would you think that?"
You:" Ever since this morning all you've talked about is Jessica."
Austin:" Y/n, look at me."
He turns you around so that you were faced to face with him.
Austin:" Jessica and I are only friends. Nothing more. I love you and only you. I know that and Jessica knows that."
You:" Are you sure?"
Austin:" If she thought that I still loved her, she wouldn't have been helping me look for apartments all day."
You:" Why do you need another apartment? What's wrong with the one you have now? It's perfect."
Austin:" It's almost perfect. The only thing is that there's not enough room for you. I want you there more than anyone else. Even when Jessica and Camille are out, I want something bigger that you might like. I just want you to be with me and I want you to be happy."

You:" Austin, I don't want you to base your whole life on what I want. Do what you want and what makes you happy."
Just then his phone rings. Who would be calling him at this time? Oh that's right.
Austin:" Hello? . . . Yeah. . . Really? . . . We can tonight? . . . That's perfect! Thanks man. . . Hold on. Let me ask her."
He looks at you and smiles.
Austin:" She said yes."
You:" I said yes to what?"
Austin:" Alright. See you in about 20 minutes. . . I will. Bye."
You:" Who was that?"
Austin:" A good friend of mine. Come on let's go."
You:" Where are we going?"
Austin:" You'll see."
He grabs your hand and takes you out to his car.
*in the car*
Jessica:" Hey Y/n!"
You:" Hey. . ."
Jessica:" Did he call?"
You:" Who?"
Austin:" Yeah. He just did ."
Jessica:" Great. Are we heading there now?"
You:" Heading where? Will someone please tell me what's going on?"
Austin:" Y/n, did you ever find a place to stay tonight?"
You:" What happens if I say no?"
They both look at each other and smile.
Austin:" Good."
You:" I don't see how that's a good thing."
Jessica:" You'll see. Just wait."

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