"No, we won't drag Bobby into this, we can't. He'll just worry." he said.

                "Oh you mean, more than we already are, Dean think before you talk you dipshit." I was getting pissed now "Do you honestly think Bobby shouldn't know? Sam is like a son to him, and you want us to just keep this from him? What if he's dead Dean?"

                "Don't you dare say that? He's not dead, you hear me. He's not." he was not in my face yelling at me.


                I always hated when Dean was worried. He always lashed out at me like it was my fault. I knew he didn't mean it, but it wasn't exactly easy for me either. But what more could we do, Sam has been missing for 4 days now. Where could he honestly be? I hadn't realized that I was starting to hyperventilate, I was getting myself so worked up that I fainted.

                When I hope up Dean was standing over me, his eyes were so beautiful. I looked him dead in the eyes and noticed that his eyes had worry written all over them. Great so now Dean was worried about me too. I just had a moment, I'll be find. We need to be worried about Sam, but I know that won't happen now that I've fainted.

                "Katy?" he said

                "Yeah Dean, I'm fine." I answered back.

                "No, you’re not. You're getting so worked up, that you fainted. Maybe you should stay back." he said.

                "No, I'm not saying back, Sam needs me. We need to find him. I'm not staying here Dean." I said "Sam means just as much to me as he does to you."

                "Katy...” he looked me in the eyes. “Please, just stay back. I can't be worried about you as much as I already am about Sam. I need one of you to be safe."

                "Okay, fine. But when you find him you need to call me, right away." I said as he nodded.


                Dean packed his bag and left, I didn't even know how long it had been since he left, but I was trying not to worry. But I finally got myself to look at the clock, he had only been gone for three hours. I checked my phone to see if I had any missed call or texts, and I didn't. I frowned at myself, so rather than sit in the room waiting, I went to take a shower. I turned my ringer up as loud as it would go, and set in on the sink before I got into the shower. The warm water felt great running down my back. I had to of been in the shower for no more than 10 minutes when I hear my phone ring. I jumped out as fast as I could without slipping and picked it up.

                "Hello? Dean?" I said.

                "No, it's Sam." he said.

                "Sam? Where the fuck are you? We've been worried, what, were is Dean?" I was deeply concerned now. "He said he would call when he found you."

                "Dean is fine, he's with me. He's sleeping. I'm driving us back. I'm sorry we worried you. I just need some time, to think, to..." he paused.

                "To what Sam?" I asked.

                "To... To get over you..." I frowned as I heard him say these words. They stung.

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